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security and privacy of volunteers' machines

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:09 pm
by arwa
Hello volunteers,

I am a new volunteer to FAH, I usually volunteer through the website as I am not interested in collecting points as much as contributing to science.
I knew about this area when I was searching for a topic for my master dissertation (Cyber Security and Management). I am passionate about the projects because it is such a good way to allow people help scientists and all of them collaborate for a better world. Hence, my study focused on the retention of volunteers.

In my study I am looking on how can I improve the retention of volunteers specifically, looking into the security and privacy issues.

I would like to gather your expert opinions through the survey:

this survey is the basis for my study, I believe that in order to improve volunteer computing reputation we all need to work with each other.

Thank you for your support :D
