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Suggestion for reports

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 10:57 am
by EricAlbers
How about showing along with number of active clients, number of active CPU's...

On another note, is the data per client available online?? Say I wanted to know how many work units client x of mine has done, but I don't want to change its donor name or team...
Example, I have 10+ clients right now, I'd like to be able to see how they are performing relative to each other, if my 40 core is being trounced by my 4 core+GFX770 gpu, I'd like to know and be able to graph the difference etc...

Not a huge deal, just would be nice to get access to the data


Re: Suggestion for reports

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 11:42 am
by davidcoton
Use HFM which will collect and keep the data for your systems. See the third party software part of the forum for details.

Re: Suggestion for reports

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 3:48 pm
by bruce
I agree: HFM does a good job.

Native FAH does not track a historic number of WUs done by each slot, only totals associated with your name and your passkey. (You've already figure out that you could do it that way.)

It also does not track a history of your total points (or whatever). Some 3rd party stats sites do that, however.
How about showing along with number of active clients, number of active CPU's...
FAH does track the number of slots based on recently returned WUs. Each of your slots works on a different WU, so each GPU and each collection of CPU threads running on a single CPU is tracked but that also comes with some limitations. Say you uninstall the client (incl. data) and you reinstall FAH. Each slot will be assigned a new tracking number but the old ones are still in the system. From FAH"s persepecitve, you took one system off-line and added a new one. For all the stats database can tell, the off-line system might still return WUs. Eventually it eliminates non-performing slots that have not returned a WU within X days.