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Function to turn off PC when WU is done?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 6:33 pm
by Nantes
I was wondering if the program has this feature. I'd just like to leave my computer unattended and have it automatically turn off when the current WU finishes. How can I achieve this?

Re: Function to turn off PC when WU is done?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:31 pm
by 7im
Fah doesn't have a feature like that. The design assumes continuous folding.

Try this. On the next work unit, select the finish option. Fah will fold until the work unit is done, then upload, and then stop processing.

Also set the system's power mode to go in to standby when not in use. The CPU idles specifically if the OS supports that.

When fah finishes and goes idle, if nothing else is running, the system should power down/standby/hibernate, whatever.

Re: Function to turn off PC when WU is done?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:32 pm
by Ricky
I don't believe so. I only know that you can stop folding though with the finish function though. Maybe someone here knows of a program that can monitor for user specified process to not run for a specified period to shut down the PC. If so, the process to monitor would be the cores of FAH.

Re: Function to turn off PC when WU is done?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:03 am
by JimboPalmer
I would not use F@H if the program could power down my PCs whenever it felt like it. In my opinion, that would be an unwise feature to add.

Re: Function to turn off PC when WU is done?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:45 am
by toTOW
Bill2's Process Manager can achieve this : it allows to create a rule on a process, and trigger actions when something happens (start of the process, inactivity, too much load, end of the process).

The only thing to keep in mind if you monitor Fahcore and turn off the computer when it ends is that the Finish function also sends the WU back after the core is stopped. You'll have to find a way to add delay between the core exit and the computer shut down ...