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change the team name

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:51 am
by themanveng
I can not change the team name gets the message
"We find no entry with team name 'Team N�v' in the database two update. Try entering the team name again"
and have tried again and have tried to copy the name from the statistics page of but still get the same answer.

Can anyone help ???

I could not find any way where I can write to folding @ home on

   Ronny Veng
   Team no. 37322
   user name: themanveng

Re: change the team name

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:39 pm
by sortofageek
Welcome. Yes, we can help. Watch for an email from I will put you in touch with the Pande Group member who can help you with the corrections you need.