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New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:19 am
by blendon339
Hello all,

I have a freshly installed x86 Ubuntu server running current LTS, no other services are installed yet. I installed it via the instructions found on Ubuntu's help site using the fah_install method.

After installing with all defaults and giving it about 2 hours I noticed it's not doing anything. The service is running but no CPU usage and memory is only at .1%.

So, I went through and check in on the advanced settings. I did change the CPU from idle to low, restarted the service and a few hours later no change.

To grab you a log file,in browsing to /var/lib/fahclient I don't even have such a folder nor under /etc/. I do have the script installed at /etc/init.d that commands are

If nothing else I ran the status command and got the below. although in searching for that on here I see it probably isn't a useful output.

Code: Select all

Logfile in /opt/foldingathome/1:
[00:09:15] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[00:09:15] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[00:09:15] - Attempt #5  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
             Waiting before retry.
[00:10:39] + Attempting to get work packet
[00:10:39] - Connecting to assignment server
[00:10:39] + No appropriate work server was available; will try again in a bit.
[00:10:39] + Couldn't get work instructions.
[00:10:39] - Attempt #6  to get work failed, and no other work to do.
             Waiting before retry.
Any thoughts would be appreciated on how to find the log files you need.

Re: New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:25 pm
by bruce
Did you also install FAHControl? If so, does it connect to FAHClient?

Which GPU do you have, and which drivers are installed? (Nouveau will not fold, only the proprietary drivers.)

Is there a file called GPUs.txt that's larger than 0 bytes?

Re: New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:32 pm
by Joe_H
Welcome to the folding forum. I have split your post from the topic you originally posted it in as the problem is likely unrelated to the problem there.

You mentioned installation instructions from Ubuntu's site, the recommended installation method is posted here - ... all-guide/. If the directions from the Ubuntu site differ, I would recommend reinstalling following these directions.

Also, information about your system's configuration would be useful.

Re: New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:31 pm
by Nathan_P
Hi and Welcome

you say x86 install, did you install a 32bit or 64 bit version of Linux?

Re: New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:47 pm
by 7im
So how do we get the instructions updated at the Ubuntu web site? The v6 fah_install method is out of date, and that client has limited support now, and diminishing support going forward.

Re: New Linux install not folding!!

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:15 pm
by toTOW
The log output looks like a v6 one ...

So two thing to change : you need a 64 bits distribution to run FAH cores, and you need a v7 client to make sure you will always get work.

Instructions to follow are here : ... all-guide/