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F@H Bagdes, teams

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 6:48 am
by EPski
Hello, is there any badges offered by F@H themselves or are they only offered by teams? I think I remember seeing things like "'Chimp Challenge', and ,'Millionaires Club'" on the F@H site. also:
Do you get more points for team membership? what is the actual advantage of joining a team? doesn't the server allocate work groups/projects/ and units? Is there any way to find out if the server reccomends a "team"

Re: F@H Bagdes, teams

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:45 am
by ChristianVirtual
FAH is mainly/strictly team neutral. There is no benefit in assignments of WU or points when joining the one or the other team. Some teams offer benefits on their own; but totally independent to FAH.
The benefit of joining a team lays more within the team. In many cases people with similar believes, opinions, hobbies, jobs, .... joining one team and competing within or between teams. Just one tip: keep it outside of this forum, strict team neutrality is enforced.

No badges on regular FAH; some kind of badges available from Sony if you are using the new Android client on smartphones or tablets; I'm a "protein" now, soon an "enzym".

More points your get with a passkey and return WUs as quick as possible.

Re: F@H Bagdes, teams

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 4:36 pm
by k1wi
I'd love to see badges (displayed on the user page) rolled out across FAH as part of a modernised points system.

The other thing that could be an improvement is points by category (say GPU, CPU, NaCl or mobile), while keeping the classic overall total points unchanged. That way if I can't compete at the total points category maybe I could in the mobile space, or in the CPU category.

There are a lot of modern gamification techniques that could be employed to encourage folding.

Re: F@H Bagdes, teams

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:12 pm
by EPski
Thanks for the heads-up, about team loyalty, no problem... I am a registered independent. I completely forgot about the un-biased administration need. But there must be a effective neutral power application rank ahhhhh---- within F@H admin...if they exist!
still, some time/rank partitions or waypoints would be nice. Funny, I do not see any Entrepreneurial [buisiness] teams in the top 100, only computer sciences , tech forums, or tech buisines corporations., not even any hospitals.

Re: F@H Bagdes, teams

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:16 pm
by 7im
k1wi wrote:I'd love to see badges (displayed on the user page) rolled out across FAH as part of a modernised points system.

The other thing that could be an improvement is points by category (say GPU, CPU, NaCl or mobile), while keeping the classic overall total points unchanged. That way if I can't compete at the total points category maybe I could in the mobile space, or in the CPU category.

There are a lot of modern gamification techniques that could be employed to encourage folding.
A few years ago I didn't think badging was a good idea. I considered it a way of stratifying contributors in to classes simply based on points. But after more exposure to badging and trophies in other applications, and k1wi's post, this can be more of a category based system. Sure, give badges for various increments of total points, total work units, etc. But also for Years of Folding, and as noted for individual client types, FAHCores used (retroactively!), could also do processor types and OS types, even team badges. Collect them all. ;)

Look at reddit awards as an example. Note that I didn't break the first rule by using the Tr()p4i3s word. 8-)