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Installing Folding at home Application on Mint 17..

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:54 am
by Spud1200
Can any one tell me how to install the Folding application on Mint 17 Cinnamon please. What would I search for threw the repository using the start menu and the Software option.

If their is a Fully pledged package for Mint, is it an installation package or is it a simply an installation DLL series of file, or mabie a Command text interface?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Re: Installing Folding at home Application on Mint 17..

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:16 am
by Jesse_V
I run Mint 17.1 on all my machines. It's very easy. 99% of the instructions for Ubuntu also work for all Ubuntu derivates such as Mint, so you can always Google "install X in ubuntu" and find solid instructions for Mint. To a lesser degree but still mostly true, instructions for Debian also carry over.

You're not going to F@h software in the Software Manager, since it's not entirely open-source and we don't have a PPA for it either. There are no DLLs either, that's a Windows term, but what we do have are binaries. The software has a GUI version and a command-line version, but most people use the GUI version. As always, your choice, but I would recommend the GUI unless you want expert-level control.

FAHClient: ... _amd64.deb
FAHControl: ... -1_all.deb
FAHViewer: ... _amd64.deb

Download and install these three .deb files in turn. Then use FAHControl to control the folding. You can find that in the Menu after installation.

Re: Installing Folding at home Application on Mint 17..

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:20 pm
by 7im
The Linux Install Guide on the fah web site is helpful.