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quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:13 am
by steveE
Just joined a day ago, I believe in this far more than SETI, I read you can be banned for running computers you don't own.

I have 5 running now, I have setup on 4 others already plus my own, I have done a mailout to all my customers encouraging them to do this and I will set it up (with my ID/Key), I will be installing on many of my business customers (with permission) in the upcoming months, I have a goal of 100 running in "light" mode in the next few months.

Is this actually ok to do from F@H's end ? I can provide proof of business with company details, I don't want to jeopardize this as I believe in the projects.

I like points, I like to gather as many as possible, it's just built in to us I think (beit a little disturbing), F@H know this and rely on it to a degree.
Each computer has my ID and Key and everyone I add will. I suppose I'm asking if this is ok

If this is ok is there a page that shows my servers and how much they have each done.
I don't like teams but do play well with others


Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 12:43 pm
by bollix47
Welcome to the folding@home support forum steveE.

Using your customer's computers for folding is fine as long as you have their written permission so that there's no confusion later when management or something else changes.

There are official and 3rd party stats links in the top area of every forum page. Also, there are monitoring tools available in the 3rd party forum. is currently a popular one but there are others that may also meet your needs.

Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 1:51 pm
by ChristianVirtual
When asking for the owner permission it would be good to mention that those PC will most likely never really sleep and consume energy at cost of the owner. Plus based on your explanation they don't get the points. If I would be the owner I would let you do the setup, but with owner ID/passkey. Just make sure they really understand and agree. The damage later could be a real one compared to the little gain on points you might get.

Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:19 pm
by billford
ChristianVirtual wrote:If I would be the owner I would let you do the setup, but with owner ID/passkey.
Alternatively, set up a team called "SteveE" (or whatever the OP wants), each client is a team member with the name of the owner and all use the same passkey.

Then the OP can get the team credit and each owner can see how much they've contributed.

I think that's allowed?

And just as important- would work :wink:

Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:53 pm
by steveE
Thanks guys, I have been invited (I think) to a team so setting up my own team name has passed, yes I will get a letter of permission from each user so if it does arise all will be well with F@H
I've given up on the ego of gaining points (a sad life) as I see it would take years and I'm too far behind (and far too old) even with perhaps 100's of computers running in "light" mode (I don't want to stress any customers computer)

5th computer up last night, I'm a bit pleased we have found an actual good worthwhile use for these things. Mother's gone and had alzheimer's, Dad's gone from cancer..these projects at F@H are encouraging.

Light mode is quite slow I see but I suppose when you get enough of them running ...well it all helps

Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:10 pm
by bollix47
Please remember your passkey is not yet qualified for the quick return bonus ... currently you've processed 7 work units successfully ... you need to complete 10 and maintain an 80% success rate and then your points per work unit will increase. That is assuming this is you.

As long as you use your same username and passkey changing teams will not affect your QRB qualification. Points remain where they were first accrued so if you start on a specific team the points already accumulated will remain with the team where they were earned. The teams will be listed separately and combined for your official listing. You can enter your passkey when searching the Donors if you find another is using your name and you want to see the results for just your key.

Re: quick question about home servers

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 11:54 pm
by steveE
Yes "this" was me, xmas day and two more added for us today and the 8th one online tomorrow, it's good that they also see this as a helpful endeavour.
It must take a couple of days before the web page sees them or perhaps as a work job gets completed a server stat is created.

I'm over the points now, as long as it helps to solve a few severe heath issues I'll be a happy boy.

I see jimh425 is right up there with high numbers and if me on his team helps a little bit ..well it must be another good thing, not quite grasping the team thing but it doesn't matter.