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changing OS from Windows 7 to Debian Jessie

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 5:37 pm
by beer
I am thinging of changing my os from Windows 7 to Debian Jessie and would hear if you know anything (folding related) that I should be aware of?
My folding setup is:
i7 4770S with smp6
nvidia geforce 970 with gpu

I am aware that I need driver from debian experimental to make this to work since the drivers in Jessie dont support geforce 970. The people in #debian on freenote dont think it will course any problems.

Re: changing OS from Windows 7 to Debian Jessie

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:17 pm
by Jesse_V
I'm familiar with Wheezy but haven't tried Jessie yet. Unless Sid includes 343.22, which I don't think it does, you will more than likely need to install the driver manually.

I recently wrote up some steps for manual installation of Nvidia drivers in Mint, but they should also apply to any distro. viewtopic.php?f=80&t=27040 In your case, change step 4 to the display manager behind whatever desktop you're using; everything else should be the same AFAIK. Get back with me if you have any questions.