Really Low PPD
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:23 pm
I swapped my GTX 780 for a GTX 970 and all was fine. I then after a few days stopped folding for a gaming session and it seems to have really messed my account up. First I was getting an error saying something about not having anything in slot 02 (never had any card in slot 02 before) and I couldn't change any settings in the advanced controller. To get round this I reinstalled the whole client and now I'm getting 23-24k ppd. before thsi with the GTX 970 I was getting about 260-300k ppd. Any ideas?
- i7 4790k
- GTX 970
- Gigabyte z97 gaming 5 motherboard
- Corsair ax1500i (yes I know its overkill)
- i7 4790k
- GTX 970
- Gigabyte z97 gaming 5 motherboard
- Corsair ax1500i (yes I know its overkill)