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What will happen if I can't complete a project in time?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 3:44 am
by chungfr
I don't leave my computer on 24/7, and I fold only when I am online for that few hours a day. One of my project's deadline is drawing close, but I doubt I will be able to finish it within the stipulated deadline. What will happen then?

Re: What will happen if I can't complete a project in time?

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:14 am
by Joe_H
If the WU is completed after the preferred deadline, but before the final deadline, then you will be awarded just the base points for that project. After the final deadline the client will dump the WU and go on to download the next to process. The client does show these deadlines or you can look them up on the Project Summary page. Also, after the preferred deadline has been passed, the WU may be assigned to another folder for processing.

If meeting these deadlines is going to be a problem, an alternative is to run the NaCl folding client for Chrome. Initial announcement of this client was in the blog - ... e-browser/. This client gets small units to process that can be completed fairly quickly.