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New Folder!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:21 pm
by aso118
Hi - I just started folding yesterday and I love the idea. I made a post last night asking about FLDC, and where I could see my 'total' and my 'address,' but it isn't on the forum anymore. (If this isn't the right thread for my question, please let me know!). But, from what I understand there are 500,000 FLDC distributed each day for the active work completed. I'm coming up on a full 24 hours of CPU/GPU folding and I'm wondering where I'll see the 'payout.'

Also, I'm currently folding with one computer. I have several GPU 'mining rigs' from my bitcoin/litecoin days. Does the FAH client allow for multiple computers to fold under one account? Almost like cryptocoin mining pools?


Re: New Folder!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:14 pm
by Joe_H
Welcome to the forum.

This forum provides support for the F@H clients only, we are not associated with foldingcoin. Questions about foldingcoin or any other team rewards will need to be answered in their own forums. If you did attempt to make a first post last night, it does not show up in the logs as waiting to be approved or disapproved.

To answer an implied question, the F@H project only awards points once a WU is finished, turned in and then entered into the stats database. You can see what points they have given by following the link to the Official F@H stats at the top of the forum page. There is also a Points FAQ available on the pages for the software and the project.

You can use the same username and passkey on multiple computers. In fact that is the usual recommendation.

Re: New Folder!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 5:53 pm
by aso118
Thanks for the quick reply Joe. I didn't realize that folding-coin wan't directly associated with the F@H client/project.

I read the FAQ regarding points and how they are awarded. If I understand correctly they are just for 'bragging rights' and can't be used, traded, or exchanged for anything at this time? I have several dozen CPU and GPU rigs that I would love to put to a good cause but long term, they chew up a lot of power and I need to pay the electric bill somehow.

Re: New Folder!

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:47 pm
by Joe_H
That is correct, the points are basically for that. Some teams have various rewards, acknowledgements, etc. based on points earned by folders, but those are neither supported nor recognized by this forum or PG. But the points themselves are related to the amount of science done and the bonus for faster returns is given because the sooner a WU is completed, then the next WU in the sequence can be generated and assigned.

Re: New Folder!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 3:16 am
by bruce
While the points credited by Stanford are, as you say, for bragging rights, it's possible that other sites may sites may award cryptocurrency or other prizes based on Folding points. That's entirely up to those other sites.