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Projects 10470-10473 Moving to Advanced; Core18

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:11 pm
by kyleb
Core18 is an improved version of Core17 that uses that latest and greatest features from OpenMM. This core is available only for Windows.

These are Core18 projects for Windows+NVIDIA only.

10470: In this project we are running simulations of the protein T4 Lysozyme L99A, which has been a key model system in understanding how small drugs might bind to proteins.
10471: In this project we are running simulations of the important cancer-related protein, src kinase, which will help to provide insight into how we might eventually develop more effective therapies for the various types of cancer.
10472: In this project we are running simulations of the important cancer-related protein, abl kinase, which will help to provide insight into how we might eventually develop more effective therapies for the various types of cancer.
10473: In this project we are running simulations of the important cancer-related protein, EGFR, which will help to provide insight into how we might eventually develop more effective therapies for the various types of cancer associated with EGFR mutations.

7819 points
6.03 deadline
4.66 timeout

14755 points
11.4 deadline
8.8 timeout

14939 points
11.5 deadline
8.9 timeout

17123 points
13.2 deadline
10.2 timeout