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Projects 9013-9015 moving to advanced

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 7:51 pm
by sryckbos
Hey everyone,

Another couple of bryo projects moving up to advanced. Similar to the others, with full info below. Thanks so much for trying these out!


Projects 9013-9015
Deadline: 8.77
Timeout: 4.05
Stats Credit: 219

Project Description:
Bryostatin is a marine natural product that shows promising and unique activity against several diseases (most notably, cancer, HIV/AIDS, and Alzheimer’s). Its main target, protein kinase C (PKC), is a signaling protein central to many cellular functions. In its active form, PKC binds its ligand and is associated with the membrane, but we currently lack structural information about this complex in its membrane microenvironment. The simulations performed on FAH will help to provide a structure to the PKC-ligand-membrane complex. The structure and dynamics of this complex would allow us to understand bryostatin’s binding mode and thus how to modify and tune its structure to improve function or even create new functions as needed for new therapies in the clinic.

All three operating systems should be supported. These jobs will run on systems with 1-24 processors. Please let me know if there are any issues.

Re: Projects 9013-9015 moving to advanced

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 7:58 am
by sryckbos
Moving to full. See here!