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change the team name
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:30 pm
by HD_Cigano
I have (want) to change the name of my team?
His name today is Agape = + Donation Charity. I would change the team name to another.
Re: change the team name
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:38 pm
by Joe_H
Are you asking how to change from being on one team to another or how to change the name of the team you are currently folding on? In the first case you just change the team number in your folding client, points awarded already will remain credited to the team they were folded for. Pande Group does not reassign credit once WU's have been credited and the award recorded in the official statistics database.
In the second case the person who set up the team will need to log in and change the name on the Stanford folding website. If that person is not still around or has lost the password the procedure gets a bit more involved. There are links on the
Official Stats page to
Change Team Information, and also deal with a
Lost Password.
Re: change the team name
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:01 pm
by HD_Cigano
Thank you, changed the team name to Caritas Recrum 226897