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Using AWS to increase productivity
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:45 pm
by kmkelleher
I know very little about cloud computing, but those with whom I have spoken highly recommend Amazon Web Services. Does anyone know how I might install the F@H client on AWS servers to increase processing power? I need to absolute 'for Dummies' approach.
Re: Using AWS to increase productivity
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:21 am
by Zagen30
It's no different than installing it on a computer you have physical access to. Go to the main F@h page and find the installation guide for the OS you plan to use; they're pretty hold-your-hand. Linux will be cheaper than Windows, so if you go that route, you may have to follow the Terminal Installation instructions in the guide, as the AWS instance might not have a GUI.
One thing to keep in mind- if you were thinking of folding on the free Micro tier they give out for a year, it's probably not worth it. I tried that about a little over a year ago, thinking that anything I contributed through it was better than nothing, but I stopped once I saw that most WUs were missing the deadlines. The micro tier doesn't get you even one dedicated CPU core, just whatever time is available on any cores that happen to be free. This can be extremely sporadic, and I don't think the FAH software does too well on such inconsistent processing power.
Re: Using AWS to increase productivity
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:45 am
by ChristianVirtual
... Plus if you go with spot-instance you need a good backup methodology for your running WU in order to be ready to move to a new instance once your current got terminated due to bidding limits. Happen easy.
Once you started a WU it is expected to finish it; failing so will increase the risk to disqualify your passkey for Quick Return Bonus.
Re: Using AWS to increase productivity
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:18 am
by kmkelleher
Wow! Thanks!