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How can I help with translation?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:30 am
by Rajec

I am obviously fascinated by idea of folding home and I would like to help. First thing I would like to do (ofc after installing client) is to create:

1. Folding home website in my own language.
2. Translate client.

Who I should contact about this?

Thanks guys and keep up the good work! :)

Re: How can I help with translation?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:24 am
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum Rajec,

Regarding the client translation, please note that there is a feature request to add language pack support ( Alternatively, you could develop your own version of Advanced Control (AKA FAHControl).

Re: How can I help with translation?

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:39 pm
by Rajec
PantherX I forgot to follow up. from the ticket it seems that there isn't any more work done.
I could develop my own version but this would be overkill and not really a solution, because I don't have time to maintain it.

Re: How can I help with translation?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 1:15 am
by bruce
You could port the existing client (well, FAHControl, really) to accept language packs.

Re: How can I help with translation?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:11 pm
by Rajec
Hi Bruce,

thanks for answer.

I am curious how exactly could i do that?