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Management Tool For Linux F@H Clients - Looking for Testers

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 3:30 am
by kuyaedz
I've been working on a management tool for Linux F@H clients for some time now. I figured I'd drop a line here for some additional feedback and testing. My goal is to make F@H on Linux as native as I can. This means startup scripts, user and team management tools, network management (ie; managing multiple F@H clients over the network), archiving and restoring data and a bunch more.

Basic Featureset:
automated local install defining username, team, client (i386 or amd64)
network installation to multiple machines including above options
uninstallation of F@H and data
network uninstallation
archive local data
restore local data
network archiving
network restoration
monitor local F@H status
monitor network F@H status
update name / team information (perhaps missed at installation?)
update name / team information on network clients
start, stop, restart local client (init script support)
start, stop, restart remote clients
define network proxy information
support for scheduling client start/stop (via cron)

Currently the code is available via bzr branch from Launchpad and available in PPA (Personal Package Archive) form. It will be available in Ubuntu 8.10 in the community repositories (yes, it abides by the Stanford no-distribution license). The code is GPLv2 with Public Domain components so you're welcome to use it and improve it as needed. I would, of course, appreciate any patches that can come back my way.

It has been tested and should run on Ubuntu (and similar), RHEL4-5, Fedora, SUSE, etc..

bzr branch lp:origami
For some basic documentation on how to use the tool please see the Ubuntu community documentation wiki: ...

If you have any suggestions on improvements, patches, bugs, etc please submit them to

Re: Management Tool For Linux F@H Clients - Looking for Testers

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 6:29 am
by smoking2000
Do I understand correctly that origami is the successor of, the FAH install script for Ubuntu which uses finstall?

Have you looked at the features of InCrease for Mac OS X, it's the best FAH client monitor and installer around, it's only too bad that it's Mac OS X only.

Re: Management Tool For Linux F@H Clients - Looking for Testers

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 2:46 pm
by kuyaedz
Yes, after the project really started taking off I thought I should give it a more creative name. The project was and then transitioned to origami.

Re: Management Tool For Linux F@H Clients - Looking for Testers

Posted: Wed May 14, 2008 5:43 pm
by smartcat99s
You might want to offer a way to run remote management without requiring "PermitRootLogon yes" (i.e. have ssh call sudo)

(I've already got my clients integrated with Arch Linux -- see the PKGBUILD in the AUR)