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Will onboard Intel 4600 graphics chip work ok?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:56 am
by therium
This is my new PC. I was wondering if the onboard Intel 4600 supports OpenGL very well.

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Info is from Speccy 1.25.674.

HP Envy 700-074. 

		Operating System
			Windows 8 64-bit
			Intel Core i5 4430 @ 3.00GHz	65 °F (4 cores)
			Haswell 22nm Technology
			12.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)
			Hewlett-Packard 2AF3 (SOCKET 0)	83 °F
			AL1716 (1280x1024@60Hz)
			Intel HD Graphics 4600 (HP)
			1863GB Seagate ST2000DM001-1CH164 (SATA)	65 °F
		Optical Drives
			hp DVD A DH16AESH
			IDT High Definition Audio CODEC

Re: Will onboard Intel 4600 graphics chip work ok?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:20 am
by P5-133XL
GPU Folding doesn't currently work on Intel graphics, rather only AMD/ATI and Nvidia.

GPU Folding also does not use OpenGL but rather OpenCl. They are two totally different standards that have little to do with each other. OpenGl is an API for rendering 2D/3D graphics while OpenCl is for general purpose parallel computing language and API using both the GPU and CPU.

I looked up your chip and supposedly the current drivers support OpenCl v1.2 as well as OpenGl 4.0.

Re: Will onboard Intel 4600 graphics chip work ok?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:26 am
by therium