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work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:36 am
by Volnaiskra
2 problems


Once my work units complete, they all say "send; 100%; eta unknown", and they stay like that for days. I thought a clean reinstall would fix it, but it didn't. Here's a screenshot. One of those "sending" units has been like that for over 24 hours. In those cases where the cores are 8900, the bonus points seem to be removed from the "estimated credit" once the work unit hits this "send" stage.

Even though they all say "sending", AIDA64 shows that there is actually no upload activity going on. What can I do to make these things send properly? My internet connection is fine. Error log at bottom of post



On the screenshot, you'll also notice that all cores are running, despite it being in "idle" mode. Even though I'm using the computer, have programs open, and am typing this post, FAH somehow thinks my PC is idle. What can I do to make the "idle" setting work properly?

NB: I UNchecked the "fah screensaver" when installing, because I have screensavers always turned off in Windows (I use the monitor timeout option in power settings instead). Does that have something to do with it?

Below is my log (error messages only - the rest was too big for the post). Can someone interpret for me?

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2014-02-19T08:08:51Z ***********************
08:08:51:WARNING:WU04:FS00:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
08:08:52:WARNING:WU04:FS00:Exception: Failed to send results to work server: Failed to connect to A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
08:08:52:WARNING:WU04:FS00:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
08:08:53:ERROR:WU04:FS00:Exception: Failed to connect to A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
08:08:53:WARNING:WU04:FS00:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
08:08:53:WARNING:WU04:FS00:Exception: Failed to send results to work server: Failed to connect to A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
08:08:53:WARNING:WU04:FS00:WorkServer connection failed on port 8080 trying 80
08:08:54:ERROR:WU04:FS00:Exception: Failed to connect to A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network.
09:14:23:WARNING:WU03:FS02:Detected clock skew (1 mins 05 secs), adjusting time estimates
09:14:23:WARNING:WU05:FS00:Detected clock skew (1 mins 05 secs), adjusting time estimates
10:45:46:WU01:FS01:0x17:WARNING:Console control signal 1 on PID 6904
11:04:35:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Detected clock skew (1 mins 04 secs), adjusting time estimates
11:04:36:WARNING:WU05:FS00:Detected clock skew (1 mins 05 secs), adjusting time estimates
11:08:55:WU01:FS01:0x17:WARNING:Console control signal 1 on PID 8780
12:13:30:WARNING:WU05:FS00:Detected clock skew (1 mins 09 secs), adjusting time estimates
12:13:31:WARNING:WU02:FS02:Detected clock skew (1 mins 10 secs), adjusting time estimates
******************************* Date: 2014-02-19 *******************************
******************************* Date: 2014-02-19 *******************************

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:43 am
by 7im
Please post the *** System *** and config section of the fah log. Hit refresh on the log tab. Thanks.

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:47 am
by Joe_H
Your internet connection is not "fine", it is being blocked making connections to the servers to return the WU's. This could be from overzealous antivirus or malware software of from incorrect firewall settings. What is the result of trying to connect to the server addresses in a browser. One to try from the short log example is

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:38 am
by Volnaiskra
Here's the system and config stuff:

Code: Select all

08:08:51:******************************* System ********************************
08:08:51:          CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
08:08:51:       CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
08:08:51:         CPUs: 8
08:08:51:       Memory: 15.93GiB
08:08:51:  Free Memory: 14.10GiB
08:08:51:      Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
08:08:51:  Has Battery: false
08:08:51:   On Battery: false
08:08:51:   UTC offset: 11
08:08:51:          PID: 4900
08:08:51:          CWD: C:/ProgramData/FAHClient
08:08:51:           OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
08:08:51:      OS Arch: AMD64
08:08:51:         GPUs: 3
08:08:51:        GPU 0: NVIDIA:3 GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan]
08:08:51:        GPU 1: NVIDIA:3 GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan]
08:08:51:        GPU 2: NVIDIA:3 GK106 [GeForce GTX 650 Ti]
08:08:51:         CUDA: 3.5
08:08:51:  CUDA Driver: 6000
08:08:51:Win32 Service: false
08:08:51:  <!-- Folding Core -->
08:08:51:  <cpu-usage v='95'/>
08:08:51:  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
08:08:51:  <power v='off'/>
08:08:51:  <!-- HTTP Server -->
08:08:51:  <allow v=''/>
08:08:51:  <!-- Network -->
08:08:51:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
08:08:51:  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
08:08:51:  <password v='*********'/>
08:08:51:  <!-- User Information -->
08:08:51:  <passkey v='********************************'/>
08:08:51:  <team v='225663'/>
08:08:51:  <user v='Volnaiskra'/>
08:08:51:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
08:08:51:  <slot id='0' type='GPU'/>
08:08:51:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'/>
08:08:51:  <slot id='2' type='GPU'/>
08:08:51:  <slot id='3' type='CPU'>
08:08:51:    <cpus v='6'/>
08:08:51:  </slot>
Joe_H wrote:Your internet connection is not "fine", it is being blocked making connections to the servers to return the WU's. This could be from overzealous antivirus or malware software of from incorrect firewall settings. What is the result of trying to connect to the server addresses in a browser. One to try from the short log example is
Well, clearly. I just meant that it's not a generalised internet problem on my end, but must be something more specific that seems to affect only FAH. I doubt it's antivirus or malware, but wouldn't be surprised if it's something to do with my router (I bought a new one recently) or firewall.

Going to in Chrome does nothing. No loading screen, no timeout error....just a blank white screen. If I try it in IE, it just takes me to a Bing search for ""

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 2:47 am
by Joe_H
A blank screen is good for that address. Some servers will give a white screen with an OK, and others will give an access denial message. depending on what version of the server software is running.

As for antivirus/anti-malware software, a number of products have interfered with F@H for others who have posted. First thing I would suggest is resetting your router and/or cable modem. Then check the firewall settings so that FAHClient is allowed to make incoming and outgoing connections.

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:49 am
by Volnaiskra
I'm still having this problem, and it's very frustrating. I'd really love some help.

SOME WUs upload successfully, but most don't. They complete, then they upload up until about 98-99%, and then nothing...they sit there at "sending...100%" for ever. No error messages, no "upload complete", no "cleaning up". As far as I can tell, every other aspect of my internet connection is fine (browser, downloads, uploads, steam, home network, etc.)

Since the above posts a few months ago, I have tried the following:

-upgraded firmware on my router
-reset router
-checked that the router has no firewall, and no blocked addresses
-disabled Windows firewall
-uninstalled and clean installed FAH to the latest version
-disabled my antivirus (Microsoft security essentials)

Still nothing.

Here are my details:
-windows 7-64 (home edition)
-3 nvidia GPUs
-4770k intel cpu
-PC connected to router with cat6 cable
-netgear router, with several computers in-house, all doing folding (all for the same team, some under the same username - could this be the problem?)

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:23 am
by PantherX
Could you please post a log file showing the issue? Also, you can fold on multiple systems using the same username, passkey and team number without any issues as long as you didn't clone the OS (with F@H installed) across the systems. Does the issue of not uploading the WU occurs only on the CPU or GPU Slot or both? Is there a pattern, i.e. always at nighttime, etc?

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 4:41 am
by Volnaiskra
I'll upload a log file once I get home. Although I can tell you that once a WU hits about "Uploading...99%", it simply vanishes from the logfile. There's no more mention of that WU ever again.

It has happened with both GPU and CPU slots. It seems to mainly happen with my Titan slots, though that might just be me noticing them more because they're the ones with the most lost PPD. I haven't detected any sort of pattern. The problem seems to be constrained to my main PC though, because the other 2 PCs in the house (using the same router) don't seem to have any problem uploading WUs.
PantherX wrote:Also, you can fold on multiple systems using the same username, passkey and team number without any issues as long as you didn't clone the OS
Damn :( I was hoping that this was the problem and actually got excited. No, I haven't cloned the OS.

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:48 pm
by Volnaiskra
Well, now I can't upload the log, because FAH has not been working properly (FAH control refuses to connect properly), despite repeated attempts to restart it over the past 24 hours. I also had this problem earlier in the year when I first started this thread. Could they be related?

It just sits like this for hours. CPU and GPUs have zero activity.


Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:51 pm
by P5-133XL
Check the task manager. Is FAHClient running?

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:53 pm
by bruce
Notice that the log says CWD: C:/ProgramData/FAHClient. That implies that you are NOT starting FAHClient using the shortcut provided.

Since you're apparently using Windows, look in "All Programs" for a shortcut called FAHClient which is inside a directory also called FAHClient. That's the one you should be using. You should also have one in "startup" and the properties should be identical. If not, be sure that you're using one that has a value something like C:\Users\bruce\AppData\FAHClient in the "Start in:" field. (You can expect to find your name rather than "bruce" in the middle of that value.)

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 8:46 am
by Volnaiskra
My situation has some differences to your outline, Bruce, though I believe I let the installation do everything the default way. OK:

-FAHControl is still greyed out.
-two programs are running according to task manager: FAHclient.exe*32 and FAHControl.exe*32
-I'm starting the program not with any manual shortcuts, but through the "run on windows startup" option set by the installer.
-According to msconfig, the file that is run at startup is FAHClient.exe, at C:\users\dave\appdata\roaming\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup
-In All Programs, there are shortcuts called FAHControl, Web Control, FAHViewer, and Folding@Home (no shortcut called FAHClient)
-The shortcut called Folding@Home points to "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\HideConsole.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe" --open-web-control................. and its "start in" field is C:\ProgramData\FAHClient
-The shortcut in Startup does seem to be identical to the All Programs\FAHClient one

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:21 pm
by bruce
There's no problem with what Target in the shortcut says. It's fine. It's the Start_in that I'm concerned about. You say that it's C:\ProgramData\FAHClient. On a normal installation, there is no directory called C:\ProgramData and FAH does not create a directory called FAHClient in it. I have no idea how that shortcut got messed up, but it does need to be fixed, either by reinstalling and letting the installer correct it or by manually correcting it.

Start in must point to the right place and it doesn't. It should say C:\Users\<your windows name>\AppData\FAHClient and that directory should exist (though it's probably hidden).

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:09 pm
by PantherX
FYI, the only time the data files are in C:\ProgramData\FAHClient is when you have selected all users instead of only me option while installing. Also, if you are installing for everybody, you will encounter the shortcut issue (

BTW, please locate the log file and post the initial section of it which contains the system configuration and F@H settings (viewtopic.php?f=61&t=26036).

Re: work units not sending. Also, idle not working properly

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 3:50 am
by Volnaiskra
As PantherX noticed, I did the "all users" installation. So the ProgramData\FAHClient folder does exist. It doesn't have any EXEs in it, but it has the log files.

I've looked at the past few log files. They ALL end essentially like this:

Code: Select all

03:23:03:WU07:FS01:Upload 93.52%
03:23:04:WU08:FS01:Upload 86.29%
03:23:09:WU07:FS01:Upload 94.49%
03:23:10:WU08:FS01:Upload 88.43%
03:23:15:WU07:FS01:Upload 95.95%
03:23:17:WU08:FS01:Upload 90.58%
03:23:22:WU07:FS01:Upload 97.41%
03:23:24:WU08:FS01:Upload 92.72%
03:23:28:WU07:FS01:Upload 99.36%
03:23:31:WU08:FS01:Upload 94.87%
03:23:37:WU08:FS01:Upload 98.08%
Basically, once the WU uploads get to almost 100% (but not quite), the logs just stop.

Here is the entirety of the latest one:

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2014-05-03T03:05:53Z ***********************
03:05:53:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
03:05:53:      Website:
03:05:53:    Copyright: (c) 2009-2014 Stanford University
03:05:53:       Author: Joseph Coffland <>
03:05:53:         Args: 
03:05:53:       Config: C:/ProgramData/FAHClient/config.xml
03:05:53:******************************** Build ********************************
03:05:53:      Version: 7.4.4
03:05:53:         Date: Mar 4 2014
03:05:53:         Time: 20:26:54
03:05:53:      SVN Rev: 4130
03:05:53:       Branch: fah/trunk/client
03:05:53:     Compiler: Intel(R) C++ MSVC 1500 mode 1200
03:05:53:      Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /Qdiag-disable:4297,4103,1786,279 /Ox -arch:SSE
03:05:53:               /QaxSSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE4.1,SSE4.2 /Qopenmp /Qrestrict /MT /Qmkl
03:05:53:     Platform: win32 XP
03:05:53:         Bits: 32
03:05:53:         Mode: Release
03:05:53:******************************* System ********************************
03:05:53:          CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
03:05:53:       CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3
03:05:53:         CPUs: 8
03:05:53:       Memory: 15.93GiB
03:05:53:  Free Memory: 14.10GiB
03:05:53:      Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
03:05:53:   OS Version: 6.1
03:05:53:  Has Battery: false
03:05:53:   On Battery: false
03:05:53:   UTC Offset: 10
03:05:53:          PID: 4204
03:05:53:          CWD: C:/ProgramData/FAHClient
03:05:53:           OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
03:05:53:      OS Arch: AMD64
03:05:53:         GPUs: 3
03:05:53:        GPU 0: NVIDIA:3 GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan]
03:05:53:        GPU 1: NVIDIA:3 GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan]
03:05:53:        GPU 2: NVIDIA:3 GK106 [GeForce GTX 650 Ti]
03:05:53:         CUDA: 3.5
03:05:53:  CUDA Driver: 6000
03:05:53:Win32 Service: false
03:05:53:  <!-- Slot Control -->
03:05:53:  <power v='FULL'/>
03:05:53:  <!-- User Information -->
03:05:53:  <passkey v='********************************'/>
03:05:53:  <team v='225663'/>
03:05:53:  <user v='Volnaiskra'/>
03:05:53:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
03:05:53:  <slot id='0' type='CPU'>
03:05:53:    <idle v='true'/>
03:05:53:  </slot>
03:05:53:  <slot id='1' type='GPU'>
03:05:53:    <idle v='true'/>
03:05:53:  </slot>
03:05:53:  <slot id='2' type='GPU'>
03:05:53:    <idle v='true'/>
03:05:53:  </slot>
03:05:53:  <slot id='3' type='GPU'>
03:05:53:    <idle v='true'/>
03:05:53:  </slot>
03:05:53:Trying to access database...
03:05:53:Successfully acquired database lock
03:05:53:Enabled folding slot 00: PAUSED cpu:5 (waiting for idle)
03:05:53:Enabled folding slot 01: PAUSED gpu:0:GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan] (waiting for idle)
03:05:53:Enabled folding slot 02: PAUSED gpu:1:GK110 [GeForce GTX Titan] (waiting for idle)
03:05:53:Enabled folding slot 03: PAUSED gpu:2:GK106 [GeForce GTX 650 Ti] (waiting for idle)
03:05:54:WU01:FS02:Sending unit results: id:01 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:13001 run:93 clone:6 gen:11 core:0x17 unit:0x0000001d538b3db753286a251decf6d9
03:05:54:WU01:FS02:Uploading 12.83MiB to
03:05:54:WU00:FS01:Sending unit results: id:00 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:13000 run:1038 clone:1 gen:12 core:0x17 unit:0x00000016538b3db75310c0d34376be31
03:05:54:WU01:FS02:Connecting to
03:05:54:WU00:FS01:Uploading 12.83MiB to
03:05:54:WU04:FS02:Sending unit results: id:04 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:13001 run:537 clone:5 gen:9 core:0x17 unit:0x00000016538b3db7532c9484a2f9b1ac
03:05:54:WU00:FS01:Connecting to
03:05:54:WU04:FS02:Uploading 12.93MiB to
03:05:54:WU04:FS02:Connecting to
03:05:54:WU07:FS01:Sending unit results: id:07 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:13000 run:3 clone:4 gen:13 core:0x17 unit:0x00000021538b3db7530f9d0ad32cc0c3
03:05:54:WU07:FS01:Uploading 12.83MiB to
03:05:54:WU07:FS01:Connecting to
03:05:54:WU08:FS01:Sending unit results: id:08 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:9406 run:234 clone:0 gen:20 core:0x17 unit:0x0000001e0a3b1e5c533df43120eab016
03:05:54:WU08:FS01:Uploading 11.66MiB to
03:05:54:WU08:FS01:Connecting to
03:05:54:WU02:FS00:Sending unit results: id:02 state:SEND error:NO_ERROR project:8570 run:1 clone:4 gen:321 core:0xa3 unit:0x00000cce0a3b1e59522883bf67d52c4c
03:05:54:WU02:FS00:Uploading 7.18MiB to
03:05:54:WU02:FS00:Connecting to
03:06:01:WU04:FS02:Upload 0.97%
03:06:01:WU00:FS01:Upload 1.46%
03:06:03:WU01:FS02:Upload 1.46%
03:06:04:WU07:FS01:Upload 0.97%
03:06:04:WU02:FS00:Upload 1.74%
03:06:07:WU04:FS02:Upload 1.45%
03:06:10:WU02:FS00:Upload 2.61%
03:06:12:WU01:FS02:Upload 2.43%
03:06:13:WU07:FS01:Upload 1.46%
03:06:13:WU00:FS01:Upload 2.92%
03:06:14:WU08:FS01:Upload 1.61%
03:06:18:WU04:FS02:Upload 2.42%
03:06:20:WU07:FS01:Upload 1.95%
03:06:23:WU02:FS00:Upload 4.35%
03:06:24:WU04:FS02:Upload 3.38%
03:06:25:WU08:FS01:Upload 2.68%
03:06:25:WU00:FS01:Upload 3.90%
03:06:26:WU01:FS02:Upload 3.41%
03:06:28:WU07:FS01:Upload 2.44%
03:06:31:WU02:FS00:Upload 6.09%
03:06:32:WU00:FS01:Upload 4.38%
03:06:33:WU04:FS02:Upload 4.35%
03:06:34:WU01:FS02:Upload 3.90%
03:06:35:WU07:FS01:Upload 2.92%
03:06:38:WU08:FS01:Upload 3.75%
03:06:38:WU00:FS01:Upload 4.87%
03:06:38:WU02:FS00:Upload 7.83%
03:06:42:WU07:FS01:Upload 3.41%
03:06:44:WU08:FS01:Upload 4.29%
03:06:44:WU01:FS02:Upload 4.87%
03:06:44:WU00:FS01:Upload 5.36%
03:06:45:WU02:FS00:Upload 8.70%
03:06:45:WU04:FS02:Upload 5.32%
03:06:51:WU01:FS02:Upload 5.84%
03:06:54:WU04:FS02:Upload 6.28%
03:06:54:WU08:FS01:Upload 4.82%
03:06:54:WU02:FS00:Upload 9.57%
03:06:56:WU00:FS01:Upload 6.33%
03:06:57:WU07:FS01:Upload 4.38%
03:07:00:WU08:FS01:Upload 5.36%
03:07:00:WU01:FS02:Upload 6.82%
03:07:02:WU02:FS00:Upload 10.44%
03:07:03:WU04:FS02:Upload 7.25%
03:07:05:WU07:FS01:Upload 4.87%
03:07:06:WU00:FS01:Upload 7.31%
03:07:08:WU02:FS00:Upload 11.31%
03:07:10:WU08:FS01:Upload 6.43%
03:07:11:WU04:FS02:Upload 8.21%
03:07:12:WU07:FS01:Upload 5.36%
03:07:14:WU02:FS00:Upload 12.18%
03:07:14:WU01:FS02:Upload 7.79%
03:07:17:WU00:FS01:Upload 7.79%
03:07:18:WU04:FS02:Upload 9.66%
03:07:20:WU02:FS00:Upload 13.05%
03:07:23:WU01:FS02:Upload 8.28%
03:07:24:WU07:FS01:Upload 5.84%
03:07:25:WU00:FS01:Upload 8.28%
03:07:25:WU04:FS02:Upload 11.11%
03:07:29:WU08:FS01:Upload 7.50%
03:07:29:WU02:FS00:Upload 14.79%
03:07:30:WU01:FS02:Upload 8.77%
03:07:31:WU00:FS01:Upload 8.77%
03:07:34:WU07:FS01:Upload 6.33%
03:07:34:WU04:FS02:Upload 12.08%
03:07:36:WU02:FS00:Upload 15.67%
03:07:36:WU01:FS02:Upload 9.25%
03:07:37:WU00:FS01:Upload 9.25%
03:07:39:WU08:FS01:Upload 8.58%
03:07:40:WU04:FS02:Upload 12.56%
03:07:41:WU07:FS01:Upload 6.82%
03:07:42:WU01:FS02:Upload 9.74%
03:07:44:WU00:FS01:Upload 9.74%
03:07:47:WU02:FS00:Upload 17.41%
03:07:47:WU08:FS01:Upload 9.65%
03:07:49:WU07:FS01:Upload 7.31%
03:07:49:WU01:FS02:Upload 10.23%
03:07:50:WU04:FS02:Upload 13.53%
03:07:50:WU00:FS01:Upload 10.23%
03:07:54:WU08:FS01:Upload 10.18%
03:07:55:WU01:FS02:Upload 10.71%
03:07:56:WU07:FS01:Upload 7.79%
03:07:59:WU04:FS02:Upload 14.50%
03:07:59:WU02:FS00:Upload 19.15%
03:08:00:WU00:FS01:Upload 11.20%
03:08:01:WU08:FS01:Upload 10.72%
03:08:05:WU01:FS02:Upload 11.69%
03:08:06:WU04:FS02:Upload 15.46%
03:08:07:WU02:FS00:Upload 20.02%
03:08:07:WU07:FS01:Upload 8.28%
03:08:09:WU00:FS01:Upload 12.18%
03:08:10:WU08:FS01:Upload 11.26%
03:08:11:WU01:FS02:Upload 12.66%
03:08:14:WU07:FS01:Upload 8.77%
03:08:15:WU04:FS02:Upload 16.43%
03:08:16:WU00:FS01:Upload 12.66%
03:08:16:WU02:FS00:Upload 20.89%
03:08:18:WU08:FS01:Upload 11.79%
03:08:18:WU01:FS02:Upload 13.63%
03:08:22:WU02:FS00:Upload 21.76%
03:08:24:WU08:FS01:Upload 12.33%
03:08:25:WU00:FS01:Upload 13.64%
03:08:25:WU04:FS02:Upload 17.40%
03:08:27:WU01:FS02:Upload 14.61%
03:08:29:WU07:FS01:Upload 9.25%
03:08:31:WU02:FS00:Upload 23.50%
03:08:32:WU04:FS02:Upload 18.36%
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03:18:37:WU08:FS01:Upload 56.28%
03:18:39:WU00:FS01:Upload 72.09%
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03:18:42:WU01:FS02:Upload 71.10%
03:18:43:WU08:FS01:Upload 56.81%
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03:18:47:WU04:FS02:Upload 81.18%
03:18:47:WU07:FS01:Upload 61.86%
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03:18:56:WU08:FS01:Upload 57.88%
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03:19:02:WU08:FS01:Upload 58.42%
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03:19:06:WU07:FS01:Upload 63.81%
03:19:07:WU01:FS02:Upload 74.02%
03:19:08:WU00:FS01:Upload 75.01%
03:19:09:WU08:FS01:Upload 58.96%
03:19:11:WU04:FS02:Upload 84.08%
03:19:14:WU07:FS01:Upload 64.78%
03:19:16:WU00:FS01:Upload 75.98%
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03:19:19:WU04:FS02:Upload 85.05%
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03:19:21:WU07:FS01:Upload 65.75%
03:19:23:WU00:FS01:Upload 76.47%
03:19:25:WU04:FS02:Upload 86.01%
03:19:27:WU08:FS01:Upload 60.56%
03:19:27:WU07:FS01:Upload 66.24%
03:19:27:WU01:FS02:Upload 75.97%
03:19:29:WU00:FS01:Upload 76.96%
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03:19:35:WU00:FS01:Upload 77.44%
03:19:37:WU07:FS01:Upload 67.22%
03:19:39:WU01:FS02:Upload 77.91%
03:19:41:WU08:FS01:Upload 61.64%
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03:19:52:WU07:FS01:Upload 68.68%
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03:19:57:WU00:FS01:Upload 80.37%
03:19:59:WU08:FS01:Upload 62.71%
03:20:00:WU01:FS02:Upload 80.84%
03:20:01:WU07:FS01:Upload 69.65%
03:20:03:WU04:FS02:Upload 89.88%
03:20:03:WU00:FS01:Upload 80.85%
03:20:05:WU08:FS01:Upload 63.24%
03:20:06:WU01:FS02:Upload 81.81%
03:20:08:WU07:FS01:Upload 70.14%
03:20:09:WU04:FS02:Upload 90.85%
03:20:11:WU08:FS01:Upload 63.78%
03:20:13:WU00:FS01:Upload 81.83%
03:20:16:WU07:FS01:Upload 70.62%
03:20:17:WU04:FS02:Upload 92.29%
03:20:17:WU01:FS02:Upload 82.78%
03:20:20:WU08:FS01:Upload 64.32%
03:20:21:WU00:FS01:Upload 82.80%
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03:20:24:WU07:FS01:Upload 71.60%
03:20:25:WU04:FS02:Upload 93.26%
03:20:29:WU00:FS01:Upload 83.77%
03:20:30:WU08:FS01:Upload 65.39%
03:20:31:WU01:FS02:Upload 83.76%
03:20:32:WU04:FS02:Upload 94.23%
03:20:32:WU07:FS01:Upload 72.57%
03:20:36:WU00:FS01:Upload 84.26%
03:20:37:WU01:FS02:Upload 84.24%
03:20:38:WU04:FS02:Upload 95.19%
03:20:41:WU07:FS01:Upload 73.55%
03:20:41:WU08:FS01:Upload 66.46%
03:20:45:WU00:FS01:Upload 85.24%
03:20:45:WU04:FS02:Upload 96.16%
03:20:46:WU01:FS02:Upload 85.22%
03:20:48:WU08:FS01:Upload 67.00%
03:20:51:WU04:FS02:Upload 97.13%
03:20:53:WU07:FS01:Upload 74.52%
03:20:55:WU08:FS01:Upload 67.53%
03:20:55:WU01:FS02:Upload 86.19%
03:20:55:WU00:FS01:Upload 86.21%
03:20:58:WU04:FS02:Upload 98.09%
03:20:59:WU07:FS01:Upload 75.01%
03:21:04:WU01:FS02:Upload 87.65%
03:21:05:WU04:FS02:Upload 99.06%
03:21:06:WU08:FS01:Upload 68.07%
03:21:06:WU07:FS01:Upload 75.50%
03:21:06:WU00:FS01:Upload 87.18%
03:21:13:WU01:FS02:Upload 88.63%
03:21:14:WU00:FS01:Upload 88.16%
03:21:14:WU07:FS01:Upload 76.47%
03:21:15:WU08:FS01:Upload 68.60%
03:21:19:WU01:FS02:Upload 89.60%
03:21:21:WU07:FS01:Upload 77.44%
03:21:22:WU00:FS01:Upload 89.13%
03:21:22:WU08:FS01:Upload 69.14%
03:21:27:WU07:FS01:Upload 78.90%
03:21:28:WU00:FS01:Upload 90.11%
03:21:29:WU08:FS01:Upload 69.68%
03:21:29:WU01:FS02:Upload 90.58%
03:21:33:WU07:FS01:Upload 80.37%
03:21:35:WU00:FS01:Upload 91.08%
03:21:35:WU01:FS02:Upload 91.06%
03:21:37:WU08:FS01:Upload 70.21%
03:21:42:WU07:FS01:Upload 81.83%
03:21:42:WU00:FS01:Upload 92.05%
03:21:43:WU01:FS02:Upload 92.04%
03:21:46:WU08:FS01:Upload 71.28%
03:21:48:WU07:FS01:Upload 82.80%
03:21:49:WU01:FS02:Upload 93.01%
03:21:51:WU00:FS01:Upload 93.03%
03:21:52:WU08:FS01:Upload 72.36%
03:21:54:WU07:FS01:Upload 83.29%
03:21:55:WU01:FS02:Upload 93.98%
03:21:59:WU08:FS01:Upload 73.43%
03:22:00:WU00:FS01:Upload 94.00%
03:22:01:WU01:FS02:Upload 94.96%
03:22:04:WU07:FS01:Upload 84.26%
03:22:06:WU08:FS01:Upload 74.50%
03:22:08:WU01:FS02:Upload 96.42%
03:22:10:WU00:FS01:Upload 94.98%
03:22:12:WU07:FS01:Upload 85.24%
03:22:14:WU01:FS02:Upload 97.88%
03:22:15:WU08:FS01:Upload 75.57%
03:22:19:WU00:FS01:Upload 95.46%
03:22:20:WU07:FS01:Upload 86.21%
03:22:20:WU01:FS02:Upload 99.34%
03:22:23:WU08:FS01:Upload 76.11%
03:22:26:WU00:FS01:Upload 95.95%
03:22:28:WU07:FS01:Upload 87.67%
03:22:31:WU08:FS01:Upload 77.18%
03:22:33:WU00:FS01:Upload 96.93%
03:22:34:WU07:FS01:Upload 89.13%
03:22:38:WU08:FS01:Upload 78.25%
03:22:39:WU00:FS01:Upload 97.90%
03:22:40:WU07:FS01:Upload 90.11%
03:22:45:WU00:FS01:Upload 98.87%
03:22:45:WU08:FS01:Upload 79.86%
03:22:49:WU07:FS01:Upload 91.57%
03:22:52:WU08:FS01:Upload 81.47%
03:22:52:WU00:FS01:Upload 99.85%
03:22:55:WU07:FS01:Upload 92.54%
03:22:58:WU08:FS01:Upload 83.61%
03:23:03:WU07:FS01:Upload 93.52%
03:23:04:WU08:FS01:Upload 86.29%
03:23:09:WU07:FS01:Upload 94.49%
03:23:10:WU08:FS01:Upload 88.43%
03:23:15:WU07:FS01:Upload 95.95%
03:23:17:WU08:FS01:Upload 90.58%
03:23:22:WU07:FS01:Upload 97.41%
03:23:24:WU08:FS01:Upload 92.72%
03:23:28:WU07:FS01:Upload 99.36%
03:23:31:WU08:FS01:Upload 94.87%
03:23:37:WU08:FS01:Upload 98.08%
I really appreciate you guys helping me. This is really frustrating. I really want to put the great folding power of my Titans to good use, and haven't been able to for almost 6 months (I wrestled with this problem earlier in the year, then gave up exasperated for a few months, and am now wrestling with it again).

Any more advice would be much appreciated. Meanwhile, I'm going to do a clean install and set it up for only me. I don't know why that would change anything either way, since I'm the only user on this PC, but it's worth a shot.