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Show configuration of an already running client in Terminal

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:27 am
by anonymoussuomynona
If I'm running FAH within terminal I can use FAHClient --print to see how FAH is configured. How do I get terminal to show the configuration for an already running client, a client running via FAHControl?

Running FAHControl 7.3.6 on a Mac Mini, I've entered into Terminal: FAHClient --send-command 'options next-unit-percentage=99'. I'd like to see the new configuration, to see if I was successful in changing the setting. I assume what needs to be typed into Terminal would start with FAHClient --send. How do I get Terminal to show the configuration of a client running via FAHControl?

Is there documentation of options, more than what is displayed when I type FAHClient --help into Terminal? FAHClient --help is very helpful if were running FAH within Terminal, but has little info as to how to send commands to an already running client.

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:57 am
by Jesse_V
You can use telnet to connect to the local running client. FAHClient offers a socket that you can hook into. Then type help for a list of available commands, including ones that can give you status and configuration information.

telnet localhost 36330

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:19 am
by P5-133XL
You can directly look at the config.xml file in the data folder.

All the possible options for the FAHClient can be listed by setting the verbosity to 5. Then restart the client and look at the start of log.txt in the data directory. Once you have the list please place the verbosity back to the default 3 for it merely lists any changes from the default and that is much easier to diagnose from than listing every option and its current value that 5 does.

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 1:24 am
by calxalot

Code: Select all

FAHClient --send-command options
FAHClient --send-command 'options -d'
And to be sure that your config change is saved (v7.4.0 or earlier):

Code: Select all

FAHClient --send-command save
Note that next-unit-percentage 99 is the default, so you may not see it without 'options -d'.

Because the options output can be hard to read, I use

Code: Select all

FAHClient --send-command 'options -d' |tr ',' '\n'

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:25 am
by anonymoussuomynona
Thanks everyone.

Using telenet works great. It's fun to take a look at. I've made a note to myself. Knowing how to use telenet may come in very handy.

Once the current WU finishes, I'll restart the client, make a copy of the beginning of the log & set verbosity back to 3.

FAHClient --send-command 'options -d' |tr ',' '\n' is even an easier way for my immediate needs. Also, thanks for telling me to save. I didn't know I needed to do so.

Currently FAHControl shows a new WU beginning to download once the current WU gets to 98%. On the OSX software 7.3.6, I'm assuming the default is 98%. Maybe I'm missing something. The new WU always ends up sitting around for a while before work is started on it. I realize that setting it at 100% might get me a higher score, but it also means the nothing is being processed for a brief time & I consider the computer working full time on a WU more important than the few extra points that might be squeezed out if it is set to 100%. Will setting next-unit-percentage to 99% cause a new WU to start downloading when the current WU is at 99%, or am I misunderstanding something?

Very helpful info everyone. Thanks again.

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:46 am
by Joe_H
The actual default value for the download percentage is 99%. A bug introduced into the client sometime between the previous public 7.2.x release and 7.3.6 often causes the download to happen one percent early. You can set it to 100%, most WU's will then start a new download at 99% most of the time.

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:34 am
by anonymoussuomynona
Thank you! A couple a minutes ago FAH started downloading at 98% even after I checked & made sure next-unit-percentage was set to 99%. I was sitting here racking my brain trying to figure out where I had goofed up. Thank you.

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 4:49 am
by 7im
Joe_H wrote:The actual default value for the download percentage is 99%. A bug introduced into the client sometime between the previous public 7.2.x release and 7.3.6 often causes the download to happen one percent early. You can set it to 100%, most WU's will then start a new download at 99% most of the time.
Wasn't it just the opposite? Default was 99 but WUs download at 100%?

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:11 pm
by anonymoussuomynona
For months I've run with next-unit-percentage set at default. Of course, I haven't watched it every time, but each time I was watching, it started downloading at 98%. Now, with it set at 100%, 4 times in a row it started downloading only after the current WU finished. I'm not that concerned about the score. I'd rather a WU be ready, to get the most work done, even if the score is less. I can go back to it downloading when a WU hits 98%. Is that my only option? Is there any way to get the client to trigger downloading after 98%, but before 100%? (I assume next-unit-percentage must be an integer.)

Re: Show configuration of an already running client in Termi

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:37 pm
by Joe_H
7im wrote:
Joe_H wrote:The actual default value for the download percentage is 99%. A bug introduced into the client sometime between the previous public 7.2.x release and 7.3.6 often causes the download to happen one percent early. You can set it to 100%, most WU's will then start a new download at 99% most of the time.
Wasn't it just the opposite? Default was 99 but WUs download at 100%?
Nope. An occasional WU would download later than 99%, but almost all would do it once the completion of 99% was recorded in the log. The bug introduced affects almost all downloads and causes them to be early.