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Hello - thinking about getting company involved

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 11:44 pm
by TeaFold
Hello, I remember hearing about this type of crowd sourcing a while back and thinking it was great, forgot about it and have just bumped into it again.

I would like to get my company involved in this and have them donate their computers for service when not in use, at night time or during the day. I have some questions though:

How bandwidth intensive is the service? If a computer was left on every night is that likely to breach the monthly allowance? (I guess that depends on how much is allowed monthly, but it would be useful to know...)

If the program is running in the morning when staff require the computers use - can it just be shut off and staff to use computer as usual? Would that harm / make void the work done?

Does the program require administrator rights in order to run?

Can it run in the background during the day? (How processor intensive is it?) Can you allocate a maximum bandwidth / processor usage for the program?

Hope someone can answer, thanks :D

Re: Hello - thinking about getting company involved

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:50 am
by 7im
Hello TeaFold, welcome to the folding forum.

Short answers....

Bandwidth? Not much, depends more on the other answers...

FAH can run in the background all the time, or it can be set to run only when the PC is idle. Both work without issue.

Admin to install, but not to run.

Processor intensive as much as you want, or as little. If needed, limit the bandwidth by limiting the folding hours or the # of systems running it, or by using less processor on each system, or...

Obviously we could answer a book's worth of data on each. The usual recommendation is to install FAH on one to several PCs (after getting written permission from the Company) and monitor that for a bit. See how it works for you, see what settings work best, etc. Then expand from there.

Re: Hello - thinking about getting company involved

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:32 pm
by TeaFold
message deleted because I wasn't logged in... :evil:


I'm using the program on my own laptop at the moment, I'm guessing that the GUI that opens in the browser is the only one available...?

So the processing needs is represented by the CPU underneath "Folding slot" : 4 for light and idle light, 7 for Medium and Idle... It doesn't say whether there's a way to adjust the amount of time that it takes for the program to kick in either (on idle modes...)

It would be good if there was a way to see the bandwidth used by the program, is this possible?

thanks :)

Re: Hello - thinking about getting company involved

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 1:46 pm
by 7im
Idle time is whatever your OS screensaver is set to when using the fah screensaver. If no screensaver, then it uses the OS setting when the monitors are set to power down.

Please review the Windows Install Guide on the fah web site. It shows both GUI alternatives, with links to more in-depth explanations.

The log shows the upload and download file sizes.