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Folding Power Slider - affecting ALL slots? If so, why?
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:05 pm
by [WHGT]Cyberman
It seems as if the slider affects all the slots, not just the one selected - is my impression wrong, or is that intended to be so?
In that case - how can I set the CPU slot to "Light" and leave the GPU at "full"?
I've got two GPUs, so one can continue at full power without much disturbing the rest of the system - but i'd like to restrict the CPU because I don't fully trust the system to correctly allocate CPU resources when I'm playing a game.
A workaround is to manually edit the CPU slot, but I don't think this is recommened or a good idea.
Re: Folding Power Slider - affecting ALL slots? If so, why?
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:11 pm
by 7im
Intended to apply to all slots, as the settings are interactive between CPU and GPU, allowing for different types of usage. Read the description of each setting for more detail there.
Set the slider where you want it for CPU usage. Then you can add a slot option to the GPU slot. Set the "power" option to a setting of "full" to make the GPU run all the time. Adding slot options is diagrammed in the Configuration FAQ on the fah web page.
Re: Folding Power Slider - affecting ALL slots? If so, why?
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 7:13 pm
by bruce
The slider is a simple way to manage performance that can be applied to almost any system.. If you want a complex method which will give you access to all of the possibilities, you'll need to set the slider to FULL and then use FAHControl to build a custom configuration that maximizes performance on your exact hardware while also managing potential problems of screen lag and potential problems from overheating.
Manually editing is strongly discouraged, and whatever you might accomplish by doing so can also be accomplished with FAHControl except you can't corrupt the acceptable format of the file.
Re: Folding Power Slider - affecting ALL slots? If so, why?
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:26 pm
by calxalot
For what you want, I recommend setting power to full, then set the desired number of CPUs in the CPU slot config panel.
If you want one of your GPUs to fold only on idle, add option 'idle' value 'true' to that slot's options. If you change your mind, do not delete the option. Instead set the value to false.
Re: Folding Power Slider - affecting ALL slots? If so, why?
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:43 pm
by [WHGT]Cyberman
bruce wrote:If you want a complex method which will give you access to all of the possibilities, you'll need to set the slider to FULL and then use FAHControl to build a custom configuration that maximizes performance on your exact hardware while also managing potential problems of screen lag and potential problems from overheating.
I didn't think what I want would be complex - merely having the slider affect the marked slot only, instead of both at once.
calxalot wrote:For what you want, I recommend setting power to full, then set the desired number of CPUs in the CPU slot config panel.
That's what I did, but it's bothersome, since I wanted to use 5 cores when I'm not playing, and 3 when playing a game.
In any case, the point is now moot. The client has successfully finished the current WU and I prevented it from starting a new one.
It seems CPU folding and I are never going to harmonize.
The CPU goes back to Boinc/Rosetta, but the GPU will always belong to FAH.
Beside the above mentioned, the CPU WUs simply take too long - I feel uncomfortable knowing that there is a deadline of 7 days and 5 full days of CPU work. That isn't really reachable without leaving the PC running overnight, which I don't really like.