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New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:09 pm
by mslangen777
Hi All,

After more then two years contributing to WCG and Rosetta, I recently started with Folding. There is no particular reason for the change other then that I wanted to try something new. Maybe I will alternate between those other projects now and then, but first I'd like to boost my points total with folding for some time. I have a passkey set up and have 8 work units returned now, so the bonus points will start comming soon after I reach 10 WU's I hope.
I'v allready have read many posts on this forum, but there are still a few questions for which I couldn't find an answer. So I hope you guys can answer my questions. Thanks for doing so.

1. My first question is about bonus point calculation. Are they calculated on basis of how early a particular WU is uploaded to the server, or are they based on the actual time it took to run the WU, not counting pauses? For example. If a work unit is running continues with my CPU at 100%, lets say I can finish it in exact 24 hours. Will I get fewer points if I shut off my computer for say a few days and start working on the WU again after rebooting it? Or will the bonus points be the same. The WU will still be returned to the server within the preffered deadline.

2. My second question is about the stats. Is it possible to know how much (bonus) points each WU gets? The stats are only showing a total of all returned WU's and I can't find out how I can get more detailed info. I also like to know, if possible, how much points are rewarded for each project. For example. I have completed 5 WU's for project 8701, 2 for 7809 and 1 for 8708.
Are there stats available which show me for how much (bonus)points in total I have contributed to each of these individual projects? Maybe the stats aren't that detailed, thats fine, but if they are, I'd like to know.

3. My third and last question. I'v allready visited the webpage containing all the folding@home projects with descriptions of those projects if you click on them. On this project summary page there are very, very, much projects listed. I'm allmost sure that many of the projects listed here are allready completed. If that's the case, is there a way to find out which projects are active at the moment, and which aren't? With active I mean currently sending out new WU's

That are the questions I have at the moment. Thanks in advance for answering.


Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:32 pm
by Joe_H
1. The Quick Return Bonus (QRB) is based on how early the WU is returned. Time is calculated from when the WU is first downloaded until it is accepted by the Work Server (WS) or Collection Server (CS). So pauses will reduce the bonus.

2. PG members and forum moderators have access to the stats database for individual WU's. That information is not generally available. The estimated points reported in the F@H log file when a WU is returned will usually be close to what you will be awarded.

3. The project summary page is based on what projects are currently listed as active on the servers. Some may be near completion and not assigning many WU's. The list is updated regularly several times a day, you can sometimes not see an active project if its server goes offline due to a crash or network problem.

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:39 pm
by 7im
3a. The project summary page also lists the base points for each project, so you can compare that to the total points you received, and see how much bonus was awarded.

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:48 pm
by mslangen777
Hi Joe_H,

That was a quick response. Your answers are very clear to me.



Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:28 pm
by Zagen30
Regarding 2, long ago your stats page tracked how many WUs of each project you completed, but they stopped doing that several years ago because it took up too much time and storage space and wasn't all that useful. There wasn't really a need to track points per project since that was before the QRB and every WU was worth the same amount no matter when it was returned.

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:40 pm
by 7im
3rd party stats sites show more detail in some regards. Check out...

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:13 pm
by bruce
mslangen777 wrote:After more then two years contributing to WCG and Rosetta, I recently started with Folding. There is no particular reason for the change other then that I wanted to try something new. Maybe I will alternate between those other projects now and then, but first I'd like to boost my points total with folding for some time. I have a passkey set up and have 8 work units returned now, so the bonus points will start comming soon after I reach 10 WU's I hope.
Welcome to, mslangen777.

I notice you said maybe you will alternate.... Some people with a history similar to yours try to run more than one project at a time. Apparently you already understand the implications of the answer you got for question 1. As far as FAH is concerned, you'll want to dedicate as much of your processing to EITHER FAH or another project and alternate between them, being careful to complete the last FAH project you downloaded before starting something else. The "Finish" function allows FAH to complete the current WU and upload the result promptly without downloading a new WU.

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:58 pm
by mslangen777
Hi bruce,

I'm not planning on running folding@home and BOINC at the same time. If I choose to switch I will for sure use the finish button. I will sometimes pause the WU from running when I start gaming or some other demanding software. With the WU's I'v got so far that isn't a problem. The WU which is currently running must be returned before 2 july. It is expected to be finished within 12 hours from now though. Those preffered return dates are still a mystery to me. Other projects on the project summary page with around the same base credits have much shorter deadlines. I think it has something to do with the core they use. My WU's all use GRO-A4 so far.
As for the stats per project, I may be able to create them myself with a script collecting it from the log file. I will look into that later when I have time.

Re: New and a few questions

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:27 pm
by bruce
Check the "tools list" in our 3rd party forum. There were several monitoring programs for V6 and several of them have been updated to work with V7. You may not need to develop your own script.

The developers of V7 recommend against parsing the log. The telnet interface on port 36330 is a more likely to be supported, long-term, but may or may not fit your programming style.