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How cna I run more than one Client Control?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:03 am
by Kyle_Brandtjen
or other programs about folding homne

Re: How cna I run more than one Client Control?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:44 am
by P5-133XL
Why would you want or need to? FAHControl is just a monitoring/config program and you can point it to multiple clients by properly configuring remote access. If you need to monitor two groups of clients separately, then monitor from two separate machines. I've also used FAHControl to monitor all clients and to monitor a subset of clients/machines.

There is some point to running multiple FAHClient's if for example you want to separate out your GPU's (to start upon login) from SMP/CPU (to start as a service). At the minimum you need to give each client a different data folder and use a different port (you may need to fiddle somewhat to properly set it up. I would suggest running each client separately to start so you can config the port numbers to different values). I have no idea how installing multiple clients will effect the uninstall but I strongly suspect it will break it. I also do not know how having multiple clients will affect web control but I doubt it will be good either.

Re: How cna I run more than one Client Control?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:53 am
by PantherX
In addition to what P5-133XL has stated, if you are monitoring multiple clients, then it is advised to use the same F@H Client version across all platforms to ensure that there aren't any client compatibility issues.

What I ment was how do I get more clients.

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 3:50 pm
by Kyle_Brandtjen
I want to do more than just the one windows selected when I origonaly got to the folding home site.

Re: How cna I run more than one Client Control?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:49 pm
by PantherX
If you want to download F@H Clients for other operating systems, then on the main page, just select other versions and you will get a list of available clients. If for some reason, that doesn't work, you can visit this URL to get the latest F@H Client -> ... etaRelease

Re: How cna I run more than one Client Control?

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:39 pm
by Jesse_V
I believe you are asking if there are multiple interfaces for controlling F@h. The answer to that is yes. Web Control is the one on and is designed to be very simple and easy to use.

Advanced Control, formally known as FAHControl, is another interface but offers much more technical controls. Both should be installed on your computer.