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Large WU 7,000,000 steps

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:03 pm
by data
am running several dual quad core Xeon system units out put 25Ghz -and I also have a dual AMD output 4Ghz - how can I get some of these large units on the Xeons rather than the AMD - are they being distributed by an particular server or is it just pot luck - great waste these Xeons working on 500K step units when they could be working on the large 7 million step units
Look forward to hearing from someone in the know
Kindest regards

Re: Large WU 7,000,000 steps

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:57 pm
by Nathan_P
SMP Work Units have a variety of sizes or steps, it is luck of the draw as to what you are assigned as there are several servers setup to dish out SMP WU. The only way at the moment to influence which SMP units you get is wholly dependant on which clinet you are using. v6 tends to get the core a3 units while v7 usually gets core a4 work. Both have projects with differing numbers of steps

Re: Large WU 7,000,000 steps

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:06 pm
by codysluder
Nathan_P wrote:SMP Work Units have a variety of sizes or steps, it is luck of the draw as to what you are assigned as there are several servers setup to dish out SMP WU.
All FAH projects have a priority that governs assignments. I, too, have observed that there are often several different projects with the same priority so within that group, assignments will be random. I do know that both V6 and V7 inform the servers how many cpu cores you have and that often limits which project can be assigned to you. What I do not know is if you have 4 cores and you choose to run smp=2 whether it uses the 4 or the 2 to influence the assignment (or whether V6 and V7 are the same in that regard).