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New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:06 pm
by Xantac
Computer Specs: I7 965 @ 3.85, 4 cores , 6 gigs 1600mhz, GTX 680 /w gtx 280
Network Connection: cable
Operating System: Windows7 64
Overclocked?: from 3.2 to 3.85 , gpu stock
Stable?: stable
Software: 7.2.9
WU details: smp/gpu

Yea I cant get my gtx 680 to fold , disabled the 280 off the list . Heres an error from log

18:56:50:WU01:FS01:0x15:Finished fah_main status=59
18:56:50:WU01:FS01:0x15:mdrun_gpu returned 59
18:56:50:WU01:FS01:0x15:GPU memtest failure
18:56:50:WU01:FS01:0x15:Folding@home Core Shutdown: GPU_MEMTEST_ERROR

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 8:38 pm
by bruce
Welcome to, Xantac.

The FahCore validates that your GPU hardware is working as expected before (and during) the processing of an assignment. Error 59 indicates that your GPU memory is creating errors. I've never seen that error except when the hardware was actually failing.

Separate from the tests in the GPU core, the guys at OpenMM wrote diagnostic programs called MemtestCL and MemetestG80 which are stand-alone video memory test programs. Ordinarily that would be the program to confirm the error. If you search the forum, you'll find discussions of a recently discovered bug so they're currently not on the recommended list. I expect there will be a new version soon.

Have you run diagnostics from the GPU manufacturer?

Support for the Kepler series GPUs is still in the process of being rolled out. Client 7.2.9 does support it provided you have the latest update of FahCore_15

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:02 pm
by Xantac
Thank you for the fast reply , I ended pulling my physx card (280) and my computer is folding like it should be again , though I wish there was a way I could keep my card . If there is anything more then removing the gpu from /configure/slots that should allow me to keep my physx in there, let me know .

I do have a 2nd computer in which i threw together recenctly , It's also having gpu issues . The 280 will fold and "complete" WU sort of , its getting 0 PPD, base,estimated credits at 0 , TPF 38 seconds
should I post a log? SMP is folding .

Computer Specs: I7 930 @ 2.8mhz, 4 cores , 6 gigs 1333mhz, gtx 280
Network Connection: cable
Operating System: Windows 7 64
Overclocked?: stock
Stable?: stable
Software: 7.2.9
WU details: smp/gpu

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:14 pm
by bruce
I have a similar problem with a Kepler and a 2xx series card that don't want to work together. I opened a ticket with NVidia. I suspect it's a driver problem, but I'm waiting for their expert to tell me what the problem is.

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:32 pm
by Xantac
Yea, I'm going to keep em seperated , for now . I do though have a 2nd rig and was wondering if someone might check the log . It was clean earlier , but the issue is im folding on a gtx280 /w 0 PPD and will complete "WU's" , rig details in post above .

Code: Select all

*********************** Log Started 2012-11-14T22:26:48Z ***********************
22:26:48:************************* Folding@home Client *************************
22:26:48:      Website:
22:26:48:    Copyright: (c) 2009-2012 Stanford University
22:26:48:       Author: Joseph Coffland <>
22:26:48:         Args: --lifeline 3392 --command-port=36330
22:26:48:       Config: C:/Users/chris/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/config.xml
22:26:48:******************************** Build ********************************
22:26:48:      Version: 7.2.9
22:26:48:         Date: Oct 3 2012
22:26:48:         Time: 18:05:48
22:26:48:      SVN Rev: 3578
22:26:48:       Branch: fah/trunk/client
22:26:48:     Compiler: Intel(R) C++ MSVC 1500 mode 1200
22:26:48:      Options: /TP /nologo /EHa /Qdiag-disable:4297,4103,1786,279 /Ox -arch:SSE
22:26:48:               /QaxSSE2,SSE3,SSSE3,SSE4.1,SSE4.2 /Qopenmp /Qrestrict /MT /Qmkl
22:26:48:     Platform: win32 XP
22:26:48:         Bits: 32
22:26:48:         Mode: Release
22:26:48:******************************* System ********************************
22:26:48:          CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz
22:26:48:       CPU ID: GenuineIntel Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
22:26:48:         CPUs: 8
22:26:48:       Memory: 5.99GiB
22:26:48:  Free Memory: 4.61GiB
22:26:48:      Threads: WINDOWS_THREADS
22:26:48:   On Battery: false
22:26:48:   UTC offset: -6
22:26:48:          PID: 4728
22:26:48:          CWD: C:/Users/chris/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient
22:26:48:           OS: Windows 7 Home Premium
22:26:48:      OS Arch: AMD64
22:26:48:         GPUs: 1
22:26:48:        GPU 0: NVIDIA:1 GT200 [GeForce GTX 280]
22:26:48:         CUDA: 1.3
22:26:48:  CUDA Driver: 5000
22:26:48:Win32 Service: false
22:26:48:  <service-description v='Folding@home Client'/>
22:26:48:  <service-restart v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <service-restart-delay v='5000'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Client Control -->
22:26:48:  <cycle-rate v='4'/>
22:26:48:  <cycles v='-1'/>
22:26:48:  <data-directory v='.'/>
22:26:48:  <disable-project-lookup v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <exec-directory v='C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient'/>
22:26:48:  <exit-when-done v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <threads v='4'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Configuration -->
22:26:48:  <config-rotate v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <config-rotate-dir v='configs'/>
22:26:48:  <config-rotate-max v='16'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Debugging -->
22:26:48:  <assignment-servers>
22:26:48:  </assignment-servers>
22:26:48:  <capture-directory v='capture'/>
22:26:48:  <capture-sockets v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <debug-sockets v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <exception-locations v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <gpu-assignment-servers>
22:26:48:  </gpu-assignment-servers>
22:26:48:  <stack-traces v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Error Handling -->
22:26:48:  <max-slot-errors v='5'/>
22:26:48:  <max-unit-errors v='5'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- FahCore Control -->
22:26:48:  <checkpoint v='15'/>
22:26:48:  <core-dir v='cores'/>
22:26:48:  <core-priority v='idle'/>
22:26:48:  <cpu-affinity v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <cpu-usage v='100'/>
22:26:48:  <no-assembly v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Folding Slot Configuration -->
22:26:48:  <cause-pref v='ANY'/>
22:26:48:  <client-subtype v='STDCLI'/>
22:26:48:  <client-type v='normal'/>
22:26:48:  <cpu-species v='X86_PENTIUM_II'/>
22:26:48:  <cpu-type v='AMD64'/>
22:26:48:  <cpus v='-1'/>
22:26:48:  <cuda-index v='0'/>
22:26:48:  <gpu v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <gpu-usage v='100'/>
22:26:48:  <max-packet-size v='normal'/>
22:26:48:  <opencl-index v='0'/>
22:26:48:  <os-species v='UNKNOWN'/>
22:26:48:  <os-type v='WIN32'/>
22:26:48:  <project-key v='0'/>
22:26:48:  <smp v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Logging -->
22:26:48:  <log v='log.txt'/>
22:26:48:  <log-color v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-crlf v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-date v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-date-periodically v='21600'/>
22:26:48:  <log-debug v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-domain v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-header v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-level v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-no-info-header v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-redirect v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-rotate v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-rotate-dir v='logs'/>
22:26:48:  <log-rotate-max v='16'/>
22:26:48:  <log-short-level v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-simple-domains v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-thread-id v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <log-thread-prefix v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-time v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-to-screen v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <log-truncate v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <verbosity v='5'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Network -->
22:26:48:  <proxy v=':8080'/>
22:26:48:  <proxy-enable v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <proxy-pass v=''/>
22:26:48:  <proxy-user v=''/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Process Control -->
22:26:48:  <child v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <daemon v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <pid v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <pid-file v='Folding@home'/>
22:26:48:  <respawn v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <service v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Remote Command Server -->
22:26:48:  <command-address v=''/>
22:26:48:  <command-allow v=''/>
22:26:48:  <command-allow-no-pass v=''/>
22:26:48:  <command-deny v=''/>
22:26:48:  <command-deny-no-pass v=''/>
22:26:48:  <command-port v='36330'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Slot Control -->
22:26:48:  <max-shutdown-wait v='60'/>
22:26:48:  <pause-on-battery v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <pause-on-start v='false'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- User Information -->
22:26:48:  <machine-id v='0'/>
22:26:48:  <passkey v='********************************'/>
22:26:48:  <team v='111065'/>
22:26:48:  <user v='Xantac'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Work Unit Control -->
22:26:48:  <dump-after-deadline v='true'/>
22:26:48:  <max-queue v='16'/>
22:26:48:  <max-units v='0'/>
22:26:48:  <next-unit-percentage v='99'/>
22:26:48:  <!-- Folding Slots -->
22:26:48:  <slot id='1' type='SMP'/>
22:26:48:  <slot id='0' type='GPU'/>
22:26:48:Trying to access database...
22:26:48:Successfully acquired database lock
22:26:48:Enabled folding slot 01: READY smp:8
22:26:48:Enabled folding slot 00: READY gpu:0:"GT200 [GeForce GTX 280]"
22:26:48:Started thread 3 on PID 4728
22:26:48:Started thread 5 on PID 4728
22:26:48:Started thread 4 on PID 4728
22:26:48:Started thread 1 on PID 4728
22:26:48:Started thread 6 on PID 4728
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:/Users/chris/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/ -dir 00 -suffix 01 -version 702 -lifeline 4728 -checkpoint 15 -gpu 0
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:Started FahCore on PID 3048
22:26:48:Started thread 7 on PID 4728
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:Core PID:3976
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:FahCore 0x11 started
22:26:48:WU01:FS01:Running FahCore: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient/FAHCoreWrapper.exe" C:/Users/chris/AppData/Roaming/FAHClient/cores/ -dir 01 -suffix 01 -version 702 -lifeline 4728 -checkpoint 15 -np 8
22:26:48:WU01:FS01:Started FahCore on PID 3876
22:26:48:Started thread 8 on PID 4728
22:26:48:WU01:FS01:Core PID:3516
22:26:48:WU01:FS01:FahCore 0xa4 started
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Folding@Home GPU Core
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Version 1.31 (Tue Sep 15 10:57:42 PDT 2009)
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Compiler  : Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Build host: amoeba
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Board Type: Nvidia
22:26:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Core      : 
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:Preparing to commence simulation
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:- Looking at optimizations...
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:- Files status OK
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:- Expanded 45366 -> 251112 (decompressed 553.5 percent)
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=45366 data_size=251112, decompressed_data_size=251112 diff=0
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:- Digital signature verified
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:Project: 5772 (Run 9, Clone 420, Gen 306)
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:Assembly optimizations on if available.
22:26:49:WU00:FS00:0x11:Entering M.D.
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Folding@Home Gromacs GB Core
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Version 2.27 (Dec. 15, 2010)
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Preparing to commence simulation
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:- Looking at optimizations...
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:- Files status OK
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:- Expanded 961818 -> 2210252 (decompressed 229.7 percent)
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Called DecompressByteArray: compressed_data_size=961818 data_size=2210252, decompressed_data_size=2210252 diff=0
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:- Digital signature verified
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Project: 8049 (Run 247, Clone 7, Gen 34)
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Assembly optimizations on if available.
22:26:49:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Entering M.D.
22:26:51:Started thread 9 on PID 4728
22:26:51:Server connection id=1 on from
22:26:54:WU00:FS00:0x11:Will resume from checkpoint file
22:26:54:WU00:FS00:0x11:Tpr hash 00/wudata_01.tpr:  3050995154 516855597 1735410575 1156240875 2946447769
22:26:54:WU00:FS00:0x11:Calling fah_main args: 14 usage=100
22:26:54:WU00:FS00:0x11:Working on Protein
22:26:54:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Using Gromacs checkpoints
22:26:54:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Mapping NT from 8 to 8 
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Client config unavailable.
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Resuming from checkpoint
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:fcCheckPointResume: retreived and current tpr file hash:
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:   0   3050995154   3050995154
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:   1    516855597    516855597
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:   2   1735410575   1735410575
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:   3   1156240875   1156240875
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:   4   2946447769   2946447769
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:fcCheckPointResume: file hashes same.
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:fcCheckPointResume: state restored.
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Verified 00/wudata_01.log
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Verified 00/wudata_01.edr
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Verified 00/wudata_01.xtc
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 30%
22:26:55:WU00:FS00:0x11:Starting GUI Server
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Resuming from checkpoint
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Verified 01/wudata_01.log
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Verified 01/wudata_01.trr
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Verified 01/wudata_01.xtc
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Verified 01/wudata_01.edr
22:26:55:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Completed 212170 out of 250000 steps  (84%)
22:27:12:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Completed 212500 out of 250000 steps  (85%)
22:27:34:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 31%
22:28:13:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 32%
22:28:52:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 33%
22:29:21:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Completed 215000 out of 250000 steps  (86%)
22:29:30:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 34%
22:30:09:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 35%
22:30:48:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 36%
22:31:23:WU01:FS01:0xa4:Completed 217500 out of 250000 steps  (87%)
22:31:27:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 37%
22:32:05:WU00:FS00:0x11:Completed 38%
Mod edit: Added Code tags to log

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 12:28 am
by Xantac
Well , I have searched forums for others with simular issues /w V7 . Using HFM to moniter my progress , and seems to be functioning . Thank you again , if I run into some new issues I may bother you again :) .

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:37 am
by UltiGrav
Try restarting the client?

Re: New folder cant get gpu working

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:32 am
by Napoleon
My FahCore_11 GPU work also shows up 0 points/PPD in FahControl, but returned WUs get appropriate credit. The old Work Servers for pre-Fermi GPUs do not send info about Timeout - aka preferred deadline - correctly to the V7 client. That throws off the points estimations. HFM can cope with this since gets that info by parsing the project summary page, not from a WS.