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MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:12 pm
by bilde2910
I was going to set my forum signature to this:

Code: Select all

Which would show as this:

I get this error message:

What do I do? I'd like to use the signature...
Any help appreciated.

- bilde2910

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:41 pm
by P5-133XL
Perhaps this would be better addressed at the Extreme Overclocking forums where those folding signatures were created.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:43 pm
by k1wi
P5-133XL wrote:Perhaps this would be better addressed at the Extreme Overclocking forums where those folding signatures were created.
It looks like a forum generated error though?

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:49 pm
by P5-133XL
Possibly, but look at my EOC folding signature -- It's not getting the same error.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:46 am
by k1wi
P5-133XL wrote:Possibly, but look at my EOC folding signature -- It's not getting the same error.
Trying to use his link causes the same database error to occur on my computer. It's not an EOC problem though because while he is creating a click-thru link to his EOC stats, he not using an EOC generated signature. The issue is the [ img ] link: ... sSmall.php, which does resolve, but is not on a standard 80 port and, being a php file, is not an image file.

I can replicate the database error using any :8080 link (for example

Moral of the story - use an image link with a standard :80 port and use an image file rather than a php page..?

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:32 am
by Napoleon
The ... sSmall.php link works for me. I'm browsing with Opera v12.02, no proxy configured.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:35 am
by bruce
k1wi wrote:
P5-133XL wrote:Perhaps this would be better addressed at the Extreme Overclocking forums where those folding signatures were created.
It looks like a forum generated error though?
It's A forum that's generating the message, but not an official FAH forum (Stanford). The URL you posted links to and to, neither of which belong to Stanford.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:41 am
by k1wi

The error is being generated by - I suspect because the forum's mysql server is unable to connect to a remote 8080 port, resulting in the time out error being returned to the forum software (phpBB).

Encapsulating any link that directs to an page/image/element served from the 8080 port within img tags in the user signature field in the ucp results in the error being generated by the mysql server. Regardless of whether you wrap that in a URL link or not.

For example, you can try it yourself: if we were to substitute a F@H server in place of the one in the OP, the same result occurs. You can do this by encapsulating within img tags in the signature field. The return by the forum software is that "It was not possible to determine the dimensions of the image." That is fine, because that particular link is not a picture, it's just a page saying "OK". However, if we encapsulate within img tags, it results in the error cited in the OP.

Furthermore, we can replicate the same result using an image file hosted on a websever that is using the 8080 port: ... wnload.png (which is this image: Image) resolves in the browser if your firewall allows access to remote 8080 ports, (as does the OP's original image). However, encapsulating that image link within img tags in the signature field of the ucp results in the same mysql error as cited in the OP.

I haven't found one server using :8080 that the forum properly parses in this specific situation, using more than one internet gateway/ISP. So if it's not a error then it's an error with the rest of the internet. It's certainly not an EOC error, so using their forums is not the right advice, and the only 'error' being made by the other link cited by the OP ( is that it is only accessible using the 8080 port. I don't believe it is a fatal error being made by phpBB/mysql, because it's not to my knowledge bringing the foldingforum site down, it just means you can't add an image from a webserver that is using the 8080 port to your signature.

Therefore, when adding images to your signature, the following stands:
Moral of the story - use an image link with a standard :80 port
(I admit I was preemptive on the second half of the original quote, but it doesn't hurt to be overly cautious?).

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:20 am
by bilde2910
Well, I don't see why phpBB wouldn't like an image embedded in IMG tags in a signature, there is no visible limits on the size one can use, so why would phpBB even check?
Also, if the forum software does not support non-:80-sites at all, wouldn't that be a serious flaw in the software? All major software packs are able to connect to :8080 ports. If I understood you correctly though, the forum has not been forwarded to be able to use :8080 ports. Would it be possible to upload a PHP somewhere that initially points to an image, and set that as the signature, and once that's done, rewrite the PHP to set the header to "Location: ...", making a redirect? I suppose that would work since the software checks the image dimensions on an image on a :80 server that is soon-to-be a redirect to a :8080 server?

I would hope it works with :8080 since on the web server I host the script, :80 was already taken.

Did I understand you correctly?

Sincerely yours,
- bilde2910

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:28 am
by k1wi
bilde2910 wrote:Well, I don't see why phpBB wouldn't like an image embedded in IMG tags in a signature, there is no visible limits on the size one can use, so why would phpBB even check?
I believe the forum software checks whether the image is less than 82 pixels high...
Your images may only be up to 82 pixels high

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:37 pm
by bilde2910
k1wi wrote:
bilde2910 wrote:Well, I don't see why phpBB wouldn't like an image embedded in IMG tags in a signature, there is no visible limits on the size one can use, so why would phpBB even check?
I believe the forum software checks whether the image is less than 82 pixels high...
Your images may only be up to 82 pixels high
Where does it say that images have to be up to 82 pixels high? I've had a hard time getting it down to 85, just a mere 3 pixels...
I also have a 40px-something image.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:28 pm
by bollix47
See Signatures/Avatars: in Forum Policies.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:57 pm
by bilde2910
Ok, thanks, I found it.

By the way, I set up a forum on my own using phpBB 3.0.11 and was successfully able to use as a signature any image on a port-8080-site.
Is this forum using a different software (version) so this feature is not supported?

- bilde2910

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:43 pm
by 7im
It's likely this forum has many more security features enabled than the default phpBB settings to minimize spam, bots, etc. You'll need to work within the given contraints as they are not going to change.

Re: MySQL server has gone away?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 5:31 pm
by bilde2910
7im wrote:It's likely this forum has many more security features enabled than the default phpBB settings to minimize spam, bots, etc. You'll need to work within the given contraints as they are not going to change.
I think I found a way; if I went to do as I did in my signature (create a little tweaked redirect hosted on a :80-server) would that be against the rules in any way? Should I delete it? (You can see the signature on my profile)
(It took me until now to actually find this solution)

- bilde2910?