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NVIDIA Confirms It's Working On Optimus Linux Support

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:48 pm
by Stonecold ... px=MTE3MzY

When this comes out a much larger percentage of laptops running Linux will be able to effectively use their GPU. Could this allow PG to give GPU support to Linux sometime in the near future?

Re: NVIDIA Confirms It's Working On Optimus Linux Support

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:15 pm
by bruce
From what I read in that particular article, there already are other drivers and the features being discussed are related specifically to laptops, such as power saving features. One critical question is whether ANY of the Linux drivers provide solid support for OpenCL and/or CUDA since those are prerequisites for building a working FAHCore.

There have been rumors about the development of a FahCore that runs on Linux but no official details of such a development effort has ever been announced so there's no way to confirm (or deny) if it's being worked on by Stanford -- but I don't think this announcement tells us anything new.