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Low points per day on good hardware

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:17 pm
by goldfolder

We just started folding on multiple systems and we are getting very low points.

For example, one of our CPU's is Intel i7 3447 @ 3.4Ghz and it's loaded in SMP-8 mode. Fahcontrol shows TPF 14min:15sec and

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calculates around 17'000 points per day but i can never get more than 2k points per day from this i7 and all other computers. Fahcontrol shows total estimated PPD around 30K.

We are folding on that i7, Intel Q6600, two Intel dual-cores and one AMD X2 6400+ BE. You can check our stats at

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(starting from June 5, before that there was just one Intel Q6600).

Almost all systems are running on Linux with latest F@H v7 client and same username and same team number.

Please let me know if you need any more info to help me understand why we are getting so low PPD on all these hardware.

i7 fahclient config:

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  <!-- User Information -->
  <user value=""/> <!-- Enter your user name here -->
  <team value="41587"/>         <!-- Your team number -->
  <passkey value=""/>       <!-- 32 hexadecimal characters if provided -->
  <password v='******'/>
  <smp value="true"/>       <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure SMP -->
  <gpu value="false"/>       <!-- If true, attempt to autoconfigure GPUs -->

Re: Low points per day on good hardware

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:56 pm
by Jesse_V
Welcome to the forum goldfolder!

I see from your config that you're missing a passkey. You can get one from the website. Enter it into the client, complete 10 SMP WUs with it, maintain an 80% successful completion rate, and then you'll qualify for the Quick Return Bonus. The client assumes you get that, and you don't. A passkey will essentially solve the problem. Sorry if that wasn't more clear to you.

Edit: see