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FAHMon *Hung*

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:29 pm
by DreadedOne509
Hey UncleFungus, sorry if this is already been addressed, did a search and couldn't find it.

I have the 2.3.2b version installed and it is running almost perfectly.
Occasionally, it will list one of my systems as *hung* when in fact it is not.
I am currently monitoring 11 systems on my home LAN, 3 Win XP and 8 Ubuntu
Linux systems (6.04/6.10 & 7.10 flavors). Sometimes it is a Win box, other
times it is one of the Ubuntu boxes, sometimes both, or neither. I can't
force reproduce this, but it does happen about every 4-8th time I launch

Not a deal-breaker by any means, just thought you should know about it.


Re: FAHMon *Hung*

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:37 pm
by uncle_fungus
It might be that your clocks are slightly out of sync. If the clock on the machine that runs FahMon is slower than the machines it's monitoring, sometimes the log times can appear to be in the future (if only by a few seconds). This will trigger the "*Hung*" state, unless you turn the "Ignore asynchronous clocks" option on, in which case they'll go blue instead, but keep they'll all the info that the *hung* state removes (PPD, ETA etc.)

Re: FAHMon *Hung*

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:00 am
by DreadedOne509
That was the problem, thanks for explainin', all good now.

The machines were off from 1 to 3 minutes, both before and after the host machines clock.