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Project: 6097 (Run 0, Clone 18, Gen 188)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:24 pm
by Tsagoth
WU seems to be stuck in an infinite loop. After 15 hours on a single step, I restarted it, and after several more hours it has not advanced beyond 17620/500000 so I'm terminating it.

Re: Project: 6097 (Run 0, Clone 18, Gen 188)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:20 pm
by ChelseaOilman
Might be something going on with your machine. Someone else has already completed the WU successfully.

Your WU (P6097 R0 C18 G188) was added to the stats database on 2012-04-02 07:08:01 for 12333 points of credit.

Re: Project: 6097 (Run 0, Clone 18, Gen 188)

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:24 pm
by Tsagoth
It turns out the core was corrupt. The next WU I started began looping after only 220 units. I deleted the core to force a new core download, and it's been fine ever since.