what historic results data is available?

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what historic results data is available?

Post by Punchy »

I had an idea - but it depends on the existence of a database containing a record of every single WU ever completed "since time began". Each record including points, project id, user id, team id, completion time. Does such a thing exist, either in archived parts or in one monolithic database? If not, and not remembering the progression of client types, but assuming things started with uniprocessor for years before GPU or SMP, perhaps all uni data aggregated, and then individual WU records after a second client type was added?
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Re: what historic results data is available?

Post by Jesse_V »

It's probably either third party, and unlikely at that, or said database is only accessable by mods. Those are my suspicions.

How would this be useful?
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Re: what historic results data is available?

Post by Punchy »

It's not something that would need public access. The data would not be available from a third party, since data in that amount of detail is not provided by any of Stanford's feeds (not any more, anyway, though some of it was available on the user stats pages a few years ago). So, I'm asking here in hopes that a moderator or Stanford insider can answer.

Come to think of it, an aggregate per user/team combo of number of WUs and points total for each project number would suffice.

Just an idea I had for an enhancement of the points system.
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