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Not a question

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:04 pm
by Blistrax
I'm a beginner, so I figured I'd post this here. The GPU client is absolutely screaming on my GTX 590, in case anybody was wondering. I've completed only like 12 things, and I'm already ranked with people who have done 50+. Good job, programmers. I can't figure out what I'm running, though, or I would have posted there. My pop-up says Version 6.41r2. Another thing, it's a dual-GPU card, and Folding uses GPU 0 when the fan control goes by the GPU 1 temp, so I have to keep the fan maxed all the time.

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 1:12 am
by MtM
You can manually set the gpu to 1 using the -gpu 1 flag in the shortcut used to start the client. Or, you could run a second client on -gpu 1. If you want to know more about the flags look up a post from PantherX and go through the links in his signature.

I don't know if it's possible to change the main gpu core responsible for fan speed adjustments, but at least you got two different options as well :)

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:36 am
by Jesse_V
For the record, you are most likely running the GPU3 client. I've got a 560TI, and its pretty amazing on that as well. F@h is really optimized to use your GPU in the most efficient way that it can, which is really quite remarkable when you think about it. Thanks for those 12 Work Units, the 590 will complete them really rapidly which is excellent for science.

You should note that the programmers are also working on the next generation of F@h software, called v7. It will basically unify all previous v6 clients into one, so that there's no more of this "I don't know what I'm running" business, and everything is much simpler and easier to use. It has a nice GUI with big intuitive buttons and everything. More importantly to you, I believe it installs fairly easily on dual GPU setups. Unfortunately it's in beta and there are a few things that need to be worked out with it, but I just wanted to let you know about it since it's going to be on relatively soon (no ETA though) so watch for it! :D

Re: Not a question (now about multi-GPU)

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:47 am
by Blistrax
I was unable to add the flag to the shortcut for some reason (Win 7). I was, however, able to set it in Configure/Advanced/AdditionalClientParameters. Thanks very much. I am now folding on the same GPU that Nvidia uses to control the fan.

You say I can run another client on the other GPU. How? I tried installing the same client as before, but it thought I wanted to repair or uninstall when I did that. I couldn't immediately grok PantherX's info, I'm afraid.

In case it matters, I am already running a second client on my CPU (Intel i5 2500).

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:58 am
by Blistrax
@ Jesse_V --- Ah. So that's what PantherX was on about. Can't wait. Yeah, it was pretty confusing when I first got to Folding@home. There is some conflicting info there, I think. I seem to remember reading something that said I had to have an ATI card. But all's well now. Up and running like a champ. Who needs cake when you can have proteins?

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:07 am
by Jesse_V
Blistrax wrote:@ Jesse_V --- Ah. So that's what PantherX was on about. Can't wait. Yeah, it was pretty confusing when I first got to Folding@home. There is some conflicting info there, I think. I seem to remember reading something that said I had to have an ATI card. But all's well now. Up and running like a champ. Who needs cake when you can have proteins?
Yeah I'm sorry about the confusion. At this point I think it is a bit confusing and more technical than it needs to be, but with the v7 client making things simple, and some website changes I heard about from Dr. Pande I think that things should be easier in the near future. Have you read the F@h article on Wikipedia? I've strived to make things quite clear, although it's a work in progress. :)

What should be done to make things clearer and what information is conflicting? I think that if you described exactly what your problem was, and where the information came from, perhaps we can help clarify. If there is indeed a problem, perhaps someone who can edit the website can fix whatever text is problematic, you never know.

Ah but remember that the cake is a lie

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:03 am
by Stonecold
Jesse_V wrote:Ah but remember that the cake is a lie

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:13 am
by Jesse_V
Stonecold wrote:
Jesse_V wrote:Ah but remember that the cake is a lie
This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. :D

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:58 am
by Blistrax
Jesse_V wrote:
Blistrax wrote:@ Jesse_V --- Ah. So that's what PantherX was on about. Can't wait. Yeah, it was pretty confusing when I first got to Folding@home. There is some conflicting info there, I think. I seem to remember reading something that said I had to have an ATI card. But all's well now. Up and running like a champ. Who needs cake when you can have proteins?
Yeah I'm sorry about the confusion. At this point I think it is a bit confusing and more technical than it needs to be, but with the v7 client making things simple, and some website changes I heard about from Dr. Pande I think that things should be easier in the near future. Have you read the F@h article on Wikipedia? I've strived to make things quite clear, although it's a work in progress. :)

What should be done to make things clearer and what information is conflicting? I think that if you described exactly what your problem was, and where the information came from, perhaps we can help clarify. If there is indeed a problem, perhaps someone who can edit the website can fix whatever text is problematic, you never know.

Ah but remember that the cake is a lie
I don't want to nitpick. It is what it is, and it's more than adequate. I don't expect science to be slick. (That sounds like song lyrics. I can hear her now.) That said, you're making me retrace my first faltering steps, and I'm sure I don't remember exactly how that went. I use to fold many years ago, so I thought I'd do it again with a real computer this time, especially since I'd heard it could run on a GPU; the idea of doing number-crunching on a graphics card is appealing to my inner nerd. I went to the homepage and clicked on Download, supposing it would be easy to just install and run. I didn't pay close attention to all the text, because I just wanted to run it, already knowing what it was. The GPU client wasn't there, even among the "other available clients". Hmmm. Aha! In the bogus-question links---"High performance clients (GPU, SMP/multicore)". Maybe it's in there. OK, "GPU". That's me. That link took me to a page where the heading in bold says, "Folding@home on ATI's GPUs: a major step forward". Rats. I have an Nvidia card. That can't be it. Maybe "GPU2". That link says, "Second generation GPU client on ATI hardware (GPU2) FAQ". Oh, well, I guess they don't use Nvidia cards after all.

Anyway, that's a brief summary of the confusion I encountered on first arriving. Of course, further probing involving actually reading what was there in front of my face got me up and running. I even went back for the CPU client. As a reward for my typing all that, could you point me to directions on how to run multiple GPU clients, please?

I glanced at the Wikipedia article, mostly to do with the distributed computing aspect. I don't trust a word in Wikipedia, though---I get my information elsewhere. Without peer review, you get garbage, nothing personal. Not to mention the agenda-pushers.

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:44 pm
by MtM
Just something to support Jesse here, wikipedia does have a form of peer review -> if you don't agree, sign up and propose an edit/make an edit.

If you don't like wikipedia, there is a dedicated folding@home wiki which is maintained mostly by some of the people you'll see around here as well. I would say that's peer reviewed ( I know from experience ;) ). I had my small stubs made and edit's done, and I don't think any one of those is still in the form as how I started or made them, which is a good thing since I'm often not that organized or easy to follow. fahwiki

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:02 pm
by Jesse_V
Thank you for all that. I see your thought process and why you got a bit mixed up. I don't have a dual-GPU setup, so I have no experience in setting on up. However, I do know that it can be done using those v6 GPU clients, and that its even easier on their new v7 client (not on but will be soon) and your welcome to try either one.

I think 500/600 people looking a the article a day is a kind of peer review. You don't even need an account to edit, you can just edit. Don't like they way it sounds? You can fix it yourself or drop a line about it in the Talk page. I understand your suspicions, but it really is fairly simple to improve it. Sadly, only a small percentage of readers actually do. :(

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:25 pm
by Blistrax
MtM wrote:Just something to support Jesse here, wikipedia does have a form of peer review -> if you don't agree, sign up and propose an edit/make an edit.

If you don't like wikipedia, there is a dedicated folding@home wiki which is maintained mostly by some of the people you'll see around here as well. I would say that's peer reviewed ( I know from experience ;) ). I had my small stubs made and edit's done, and I don't think any one of those is still in the form as how I started or made them, which is a good thing since I'm often not that organized or easy to follow.
I've written for Wikipedia. I don't work and play well with others, it seems, especially when the others are rabid nationalists or desperate know-it-alls or semi-literate nerds who think a comma is an adornment or power-drunk admins or senile retired PhDs whose animosity toward their dimly remembered students is all that remains of their intellect. I grant you, the hard sciences don't fare as badly in Wikipedia as some other fields. Still, I dare you to cite a Wikipedia article in a journal submission that isn't about mass hysteria or the pliability of truth in a Socialist reality. I can do this all day. Like I said, though, nothing personal, just sweeping condemnation. How could I judge an article I haven't read? I'm sure you guys are doing a bang-up job in there.

OK, I'll check out your Wiki. You may have just dropped a cherry bomb in the commode. I tend to copyedit until somebody stops me.

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:31 pm
by ChelseaOilman
One of the Mods here, PantherX, has written a very good guide on how to set up GPU clients including how to set up multiple GPU clients. ... 3&p=144648

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:35 pm
by 7im
Copy/Edit away!

For reference, the fah website has general install guides and general FAQs. Basic stuff. The fah wiki tends to be more technical or more in-depth. It also contains mostly the current public clients, fahcores, and previous (older) info.

P.S. There multi-GPU install guide walk through on the FAH web site as well, for both console and GUI clients.

Re: Not a question

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:26 pm
by Blistrax
ChelseaOilman wrote:One of the Mods here, PantherX, has written a very good guide on how to set up GPU clients including how to set up multiple GPU clients.
I don't have time to more than glance at that right now, but it certailnly seems to be exactly what I need. Thank you very much. I'll try it when I get a moment.