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Project: 7716 (Run 14, Clone 1, Gen 0)

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:00 pm
by SASinUtah

My old PC completed said unit and successfully uploaded same at 0402 UTC on 2/4/12; no credit shows for this completed unit under SASinUtah as of 1445 UTC on same date.

Thank you in advance.

Re: Project: 7716, R14, C1, G0

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:33 pm
by Joe_H
Several of the Stanford web sites, including the stats, appear to be off-line at the moment. I did a quick check to see if there was any announcement, but did not find one yet. But it is only 7:30 AM at Stanford now.

Re: Project: 7716, R14, C1, G0

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:25 pm
by bruce
That issue is reportedly fixed viewtopic.php?f=18&t=20693 and it's working for me.

I'm flagging this topic for Mod followup. There may be other processes that need to be restarted or extra time to recover..

Re: Project: 7716, R14, C1, G0

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:04 pm
by sortofageek
Followup check:

No data back on Project: 7716 (Run 14, Clone 1, Gen 0) at this point in time.

Re: Project: 7716 (Run 14, Clone 1, Gen 0)

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:16 am
by SASinUtah
It would seen that this particular WU has been credited, along with other WUs I was not aware were missing.

Re: Project: 7716 (Run 14, Clone 1, Gen 0)

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:54 am
by sortofageek
Yes, you were credited for Project: 7716 (Run 14, Clone 1, Gen 0).

Hi SASinUtah (team 163828),
Your WU (P7716 R14 C1 G0) was added to the stats database on 2012-02-11 11:09:25 for 1380.73 points of credit.