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No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:20 am
by Seconds
Some of the people that I invited to join F@H got really interested when I told them about the point system.
I'm curious, would you still be folding if there were no more points?

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:22 am
by codysluder
Some of us would and others wouldn't. In either case we're contributing to a great cause.

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:40 am
by Cajun_Don
Seconds wrote:Some of the people that I invited to join F@H got really interested when I told them about the point system.
I'm curious, would you still be folding if there were no more points?
Yes, I would continue to fold to help all mankind, without any points. Points don't have any value, and only show how much work your computer(s) has accomplished for your Folding effort and bragging rights.

I'm crunching 27 WUs a day, so I'm doing my part to help all mankind, and not for the bragging rights of points

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:53 am
by Ren02
If everything else continues the same way as now, then unlikely.

I'd definitely shut down the SMP-client because the project descriptions for every SMP WU I've ever folded (2605, 2608, 2619 and 2653) are empty. I'd want to know what it is that I'm donating for. Actually without points I'd like to pick specific project (or projects) out of the mix and fold only for it (them). For instance 2453 looks really interesting.

There would have to be changes and some effort on Stanford's part to keep me interested. Applying to the authority of "Dr Pande knows what he is doing" doesn't really do anything for me, I need proof. I suppose I'm a minority though. ;)

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:21 am
by Cajun_Don
Ren02 wrote:If everything else continues the same way as now, then unlikely.

I'd definitely shut down the SMP-client because the project descriptions for every SMP WU I've ever folded (2605, 2608, 2619 and 2653) are empty. I'd want to know what it is that I'm donating for. Actually without points I'd like to pick specific project (or projects) out of the mix and fold only for it (them). For instance 2453 looks really interesting.

There would have to be changes and some effort on Stanford's part to keep me interested. Applying to the authority of "Dr Pande knows what he is doing" doesn't really do anything for me, I need proof. I suppose I'm a minority though. ;)
Hi Ren02, Welcome to the Folding @home Support Forum.

First of all this is a very complex software, and Dr. Pande and his group are using the latest technology there is available, to find solutions to some of the most deadly causes of death in mankind.

The SMP-client is not recommended for beginners, because it is still in beta status, which means all the bugs and problems have not been corrected.

There are recommendations which client to run from your browser and OS at the top of the download page. Mostly the CPU client is recommended for beginners.

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:04 pm
by Seconds
Ren02 wrote: the project descriptions for every SMP WU I've ever folded (2605, 2608, 2619 and 2653) are empty. I'd want to know what it is that I'm donating for.
I must admit I agree with you about this, I'd really like more info about the SMP units. As for choosing wich WU to fold, I don't think it would be a good thing, what if some uninteresting projects have great scientific value but nobody fold them?
Cajun_Don wrote:Yes, I would continue to fold to help all mankind, without any points
Same here :D
Cajun_Don wrote:I'm crunching 27 WUs a day
:shock: how many cpu/gpu are you folding with?? (p.s. I want you on my team :wink: )

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:13 pm
by Ren02
Seconds wrote:I must admit I agree with you about this, I'd really like more info about the SMP units. As for choosing wich WU to fold, I don't think it would be a good thing, what if some uninteresting projects have great scientific value but nobody fold them?
In that case Stanford would have to explain the situation to the donors. Something along the lines of:
"Project XZY is important to us because it helps to... (insert explanation here). Ideally we would need 8000 dedicated folders on the project and we only have 500. As you can see from the statisitics page (a link to the page that has a list of projects with needed number of donors and actual number of donors per project) projects XZZ and XYW are running close to capacity (over capacity?) so please consider switching over to XZY." :D

Well yeah, that is never going to happen. Too much effort from both parties. I'm just dreaming here, don't mind me.

On the other hand it would be possible to divide projects into groups like:
  • Testing New Folding Technology
  • Simulating Cell Behavior
  • Simulating Diseases
  • Drug Design

and you could pick one of those groups.

What I'm saying is, should the point system disappear, something would have to replace it and a closer contact with donors or more freedom in picking what you fold for would be a good start.

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:49 pm
by butc8
Seconds wrote:
Ren02 wrote: the project descriptions for every SMP WU I've ever folded (2605, 2608, 2619 and 2653) are empty. I'd want to know what it is that I'm donating for.
I must admit I agree with you about this, I'd really like more info about the SMP units.
P2653 has got to do with a immune suppressor(POPC) found in the placenta.

The only thing wikipedia is missing is a page on me 8-)

Re: No points..

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:06 pm
by uncle_fungus
Not quite. POPC is Palmitoyl Oleoyl PhosphatidylCholine, the main component of the lipid bilayer that makes up the cell membrane. p2653 is looking at the behaviour of proteins in this lipid bilayer.
