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lost my bonus x3

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:42 am
by Hypocrisy

I hope this is the right place to post my problem.

on the 16th, 22nd and 29th of June I did not receive a bonus. Only the 8955 base points were added.
I don´t know why or how this happened. On the client side nothing looked different. The GPU Tracker spotted no problems.

Can you help me finding out whether the problem may be on Stanford´s side?
Is it still possible to receive the bonus?

Thank you & kind regards

Team 70911

Re: lost my bonus x3

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:46 am
by bruce
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you to, Hypocrisy.

We can only track WUs if we know what they are. Please tell us the Project/Run/Clone/Gen numbers of those WUs. Without that information, we can only guess.

I don't run GPU Tracker, but many people seem to like it. Does it tell you if any of the WUs were done twice -- such as an EUE followed by a successful completion? (That seems to be one common reason for an apparent missing bonus -- but like I said, it's a guess.)

Re: lost my bonus x3

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:32 pm
by Hypocrisy
Hi Bruce,

thanks for welcoming & helping me!

I must say that I reinstalled the GPU Tracker for I thought it might have be the problem. I searched all my system, but no infos about the WUs can be found.
Concerning the issue of potencial WUs that were done twice, I never encountered this problem before, but I also do not know whether the Tracker provides these informations.

Tomorrow I will have access to the other PC that is folding for me. Maybe there I will find some more information.
The only thing I can tell now is, that it were 6901 WUs.


Re: lost my bonus x3

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:40 am
by PantherX
I could find a P6900:
Hi Hypocrisy (team 70911),
Your WU (P6900 R29 C5 G4) was added to the stats database on 2011-06-28 20:07:29 for 8955 points of credit.
The reason is that you crossed the Preferred Deadline of 4 days.

Re: lost my bonus x3

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:16 am
by Hypocrisy
Well that is pretty strange. I got two 2600k @ 4,5GHz folding-only machines that run 24/7. I never touch them exept a restart after win-updates. There seems to be a problem with the GPU Tracker because I check the machines a several times a day. They seemed to work just fine - one WU after another always taking the normal "two days" to complete...

For I can´t find any infos in the Tracker concerning WUs that are done twice, I guess I better switch again to the console client.

Thanks again for helping me here!!
