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Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:12 am
by BM35
Is it possible to change the work unit folding in the systray version? I get like 69 points per WU and I want the WU to be worth 1k or something.
So, is it possible to change the work unit folding?
Help would be appreciated
Re: question
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:26 am
by bruce
Welcome to, BM35.
You're really asking two questions.
First, the points are established by the amount of time a project runs on a benchmark machine. If one project earns 69 points per WU and somebody builds a new project which consists of 10 of those WUs combined into a single WU it will run 10x as long before uploading/downloading but it will worth 690 points. When you finish, you will still have earned the same number of Points Per Day. There's no particular advantage to getting WUs worth 1K.
Second, the particular WUs assigned to you are based on the characteristics of your hardware and on the needs of science. You really have very little control over which project you'll be assigned.
Nevertheless, "very little" control is not the same as "no" control. In the client configuration, you have a choice of setting advmethods (which selects projects that are in the later stages of beta testing) or not using that setting. Generally speaking, adding or removing that setting will probably give you a different project, though they'll still be mostly random, from your perspective. The other setting you can change is Small/Normal/Big which can open/close some of the choices that might be available at the moment.
Re: question
Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:04 pm
by Nathan_P
Welcome to the forum,
If you want more points you have a few choices:-
Run the v6.34 SMP console client and follw the guides for setting up SMP folding. SMP folds on more than one core of your cpu at the same time. ( only recommended with fast dual cores or better)
Run the v7 Beta client and it should automatically set up SMP folding ( hardware as above)
Run the gpu2/gpu3 v6 systray client and fold on your GPU (hardware dependant) (nvidia 8xxx or better, ATI 3xxx or better)
Run the v7 beta client and set up gpu folding as above
Just remeber that at the end of the day all the science needs doing whether its worth 69 points or 69k points. we don't know which WU will be of bigger benefit in the long run. Fold on!!