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How to Stop FAH on WHS?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 5:01 am
by jpmarth
Have had FAH at home running on my WHS (HP ex495) for a couple days, but it's staying too hot due to where I have to keep the box.

Now I'm having trouble getting it to stop.

Here is what I have done so far:
- Removed the add-in, but that's just the face and not the guts.
- Tried deleting the folder through remote desktop, but it would not let me since the application was still running.
- Tried to stop the process, through Terminal Service Manager. But it says I don't have access.
- Used the -config options in the console to try and stop the application, but that doesn't help either.
- Walked through the uninstall options on the FAH website, and it didn't help.

Can someone suggest anything?

Re: How to Stop FAH on WHS?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 2:25 pm
by uncle fuzzy
Which version of FAH are you running? They each have their own method to stop and remove.

Re: How to Stop FAH on WHS?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:01 pm
by orion
Does WHS have safe mode you can go into to uninstall the client?

Re: How to Stop FAH on WHS?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:09 pm
by jpmarth
Was able to get it stopped by stopping the service from running, restarting WHS, then I could delete the folder from the C: drive. Thanks for the replies.

Re: How to Stop FAH on WHS?

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:20 am
by MtM
You might have redundant registry entries now then, look here [REGEDIT]


Remove everything you find which links to the removed client. ( can't be more specific since I don't know the original client setup/config but the entries should be self explanatory ) ).

If you don't, your event log will get pretty much filled with 'failed to start service ...' entries, not that much a deal if it's only this entry but registry problems have the tendency to compound.