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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 5:23 pm
by TheReaperWaits
Afternoon folks,

Quick drawn out question (heh).... Are the WU's that are downloaded done at random? IE is there an equal chance to get any WU available to that client?

I only ask as with two GPU2 clients I have been getting 494pt WU's consistently... I think that I did manage to get a 450pt WU once....

Any way I can mix it up a bit...? These clients are on 24/7 and have been running constantly for a couple of months now...

Im using the latest GPU2 client
Vista 32bit...

Thanks for any useful answers. :D

Re: GPU2 WU's

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:01 pm
by PantherX
Welcome to the F@H Forum TheReaperWaits,

The assignment of WUs is done in a random manner. However, the WU selection is influenced by some factors which are:
1) Client type (Donor based)
2) Client configuration including flags, Operating System, WU size, etc. (Donor based)
3) Project priority (Pande Group based)

The factors that fall into Donor based can be changed by the Donor but there is nothing that can be done about factors that fall into Pande Group. Here are some common options which you can try:
1) Change the WU size; small, normal, big
2) Use the flag; -advmethods ( ... _client%3F)

Re: GPU2 WU's

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:16 pm
by TheReaperWaits
Thank you for the reply.

I had tried changing the sizes, no effect... I have not tried the advmethods... Will give that a go... :)

Re: GPU2 WU's

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:24 pm
by Amaruk
Have 12 GPUs running ATM.

8 GPUs w/out advmethods, 101xx.

4 GPUs with advmethods, 66xx & 105xx.

Please note this only works when there are new WUs being tested. If there wasn't anything on adv then all 12 would be assigned the same mix of WUs.

Happy folding.