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two computers folding

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:57 pm
by WacoJohn
I have had a linux box folding for several months. I just installed Windows XP/Vista/7/2003/2008, System tray (Systray) client installer with optional viewer 6.23 on a Dell notebook running XP Home SP3.

I installed using my folding 'name' and Team number and the passkey I am using on the Linux box. I just finished setting it up a few minutes ago.

How can I be sure the two machines are not processing the same work? Can I assume they are not?

thank you in advance.

Re: two computers folding

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:05 pm
by 7im
Can I assume they are not?
Yes, so I don't really have to answer the other question. ;)

But, open the fahlog.txt file, and it will show the PRCG numbers for the work unit on each system. The numbers will be different, and that's how you know.

Re: two computers folding

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:52 pm
by WacoJohn
Encouraging answer. I will check the logs. Thank you .. your help is appreciated.

Edited .. additional info

In looking at the two logs . both logs show the same machine number (1). Should I make the 'new' machine '2'?

New machine log says:

[22:46:08] Project: 6881 (Run 256, Clone 8, Gen 56) (P6881 R256 C8 G56 right?)

Old machine log says:

[19:17:25] Project: 6881 (Run 731, Clone 11, Gen 104) (P6881 R731 C11 G104 .. different from other machine)
[19:42:38] Project: 6881 (Run 731, Clone 11, Gen 104) (P6881 R731 C11 G104 .. different from other machine)
[00:05:13] Project: 6887 (Run 840, Clone 16, Gen 46) (P6887 R840 C16 G46 .. different from other machine)

so I guess I am OK(?).

Re: two computers folding

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:23 am
by PantherX
The Machine ID is for the F@H Clients on the same machine. Since you have two separate machines, with a single F@H Client installed, there isn't any issue.

Re: two computers folding

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 3:30 am
by WacoJohn
Thank you PantherX. I guess I am 'good to go' .. thanks to all the help I got. Thanks to both respondents.

This thread can be considered SOLVED and CLOSED. I do not see where to mark it so.