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What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:27 pm
by BKFolding
My question is probably a simple, i just didn't see an answer anywhere in my searching. If my PC is in the middle of a unit and I exit out, but decide to format my hard drive later or uninstall Folding@Home on that machine, what happens to the unit? Will it eventually get assigned to someone else? If i install the client on another machine will it download the same unit i was previously working on with that account? Just curious as to what happens to units when a client starts working on them but never finishes, thanks!
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:42 pm
by Zagen30
Welcome to the forum, BKFolding.
Every project has 2 deadlines attached to it: the Preferred and Final Deadline. If a WU is not returned by its Preferred deadline, the server flags it to be reassigned to someone else, though the original person who got it can still get points for it if they get it back before the Final deadline (this may result in duplicate results, but there are worse things than the occasional redundant sets of data).
I don't think the servers will try to reassign a specific WU to you on a different machine, but I've never really tried it.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:16 pm
by PantherX
If you do plan to format your system, it is advised to use the -oneunit flag ( ... _client%3F).
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:21 am
by BKFolding
Thanks Zagan. I'm not really worried about losing the units i was working on, but more or less making sure someone else can or will pick them up and finish them if i rebuild my computer.
After following the link on the bottom of that page Panther, it appears the -oneunit switch tells FAH to stop work after the next work unit. My client is currently installed on a Linux machine and that page appears to be for Windows only. Do you know of a switch or way to do this in Linux? Thanks.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:06 am
by PantherX
The switch/flag will work on Linux but I am not sure how to enter it.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:26 am
by orion
This is one way I would do it.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:57 am
by BKFolding
I typed in ./fah6 -oneunit just to see what would happen and when FAH started, -oneunit was listed at the top of the terminal as an argument. Looks like it may work by simply doing that, guess i'll find out in the morning
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:15 am
by orion
BKFolding wrote:I typed in ./fah6 -oneunit just to see what would happen and when FAH started, -oneunit was listed at the top of the terminal as an argument. Looks like it may work by simply doing that, guess i'll find out in the morning
Good to know, thanks for reporting it
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:08 am
by Amaruk
BKFolding wrote:I typed in ./fah6 -oneunit just to see what would happen and when FAH started, -oneunit was listed at the top of the terminal as an argument. Looks like it may work by simply doing that, guess i'll find out in the morning
That will work, it's how I stop my Linux clients before updating them.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:23 pm
by uncle fuzzy
BKFolding wrote:I typed in ./fah6 -oneunit just to see what would happen and when FAH started, -oneunit was listed at the top of the terminal as an argument. Looks like it may work by simply doing that, guess i'll find out in the morning
That's also the method I used running notfred in a VM. I stayed quiet because I didn't know if "real" linux worked the same way (plus it's been a long time since I ran a VM). That's how I entered any flags I wanted to use.
Re: What happens to units that are abandoned
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:35 pm
by BKFolding
Looks like it worked, thanks everyone for your input