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queue slots
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:25 am
by damirm
Is it posiblle to manualy download projects to queue slots or is that program controled?
Re: queue slots
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:31 am
by toTOW
No, it's not.
Queue slots are here to keep results in case of a server can't accept them and until it's back to accept. It's automatic, and definitely not designed to queue work.
Re: queue slots
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:33 pm
by gwildperson
There once was a project called GAH which partnered with FAH. The WUs didn't have deadlines and they didn't have to be returned promptly like FAH. It was able to download multiple WUs and use the slots for something other than managing results which have been completed but which cannot currently be uploaded.
They were still managed entirely by the software.
FAH will never support such a feature. Remember that the time to complete a WU is measured from the moment you download it until the moment it is uploaded. Doing anything that extends that time is contrary to the goals of FAH, so downloading multiple WUs manually makes no sense.