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Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 344)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:04 am
by Racer43
Finished this project over 6 hours ago and no update on points. User: TRSGPU

Code: Select all

[01:17:37] Completed 99%
[01:21:01] Completed 100%
[01:21:01] Successful run
[01:21:01] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000
[01:21:11] Reserved 154184 bytes for xtc file; Cosm status=0
[01:21:11] Allocated 154184 bytes for xtc file
[01:21:11] - Reading up to 154184 from "work/wudata_08.xtc": Read 154184
[01:21:11] Read 154184 bytes from xtc file; available packet space=786276280
[01:21:11] xtc file hash check passed.
[01:21:11] Reserved 23472 23472 786276280 bytes for arc file=<work/wudata_08.trr> Cosm status=0
[01:21:11] Allocated 23472 bytes for arc file
[01:21:11] - Reading up to 23472 from "work/wudata_08.trr": Read 23472
[01:21:11] Read 23472 bytes from arc file; available packet space=786252808
[01:21:11] trr file hash check passed.
[01:21:11] Allocated 560 bytes for edr file
[01:21:11] Read bedfile
[01:21:11] edr file hash check passed.
[01:21:11] Allocated 0 bytes for logfile
[01:21:11] Could not open/read logfile=<work/wudata_08.log>; Cosm status=-1
[01:21:11] GuardedRun: success in DynamicWrapper
[01:21:11] GuardedRun: done
[01:21:11] Run: GuardedRun completed.
[01:21:12] - Writing 178728 bytes of core data to disk...
[01:21:12] Done: 178216 -> 176811 (compressed to 99.2 percent)
[01:21:12]   ... Done.
[01:21:12] - Shutting down core 
[01:21:12] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FINISHED_UNIT
[01:21:15] CoreStatus = 64 (100)
[01:21:15] Unit 8 finished with 92 percent of time to deadline remaining.
[01:21:15] Updated performance fraction: 0.894007
[01:21:15] Sending work to server
[01:21:15] Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 344)
[01:21:15] - Read packet limit of 540015616... Set to 524286976.

[01:21:15] + Attempting to send results [November 15 01:21:15 UTC]
[01:21:15] - Reading file work/wuresults_08.dat from core
[01:21:15]   (Read 177323 bytes from disk)
[01:21:15] Connecting to
[01:21:19] Posted data.
[01:21:19] Initial: 0000; - Uploaded at ~43 kB/s
[01:21:19] - Averaged speed for that direction ~39 kB/s
[01:21:19] + Results successfully sent
[01:21:19] Thank you for your contribution to Folding@Home.
[01:21:19] + Number of Units Completed: 800

[01:21:23] Trying to send all finished work units
[01:21:23] + No unsent completed units remaining.
[01:21:23] - Preparing to get new work unit...

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 4:13 pm
by sortofageek
I can see the WU was completed, but the folding name isn't close to your folding name and the team number is different. I will mark it for followup so we can let you know if the result shows up.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:41 pm
by Racer43
How does a WU return with the incorrect name and team number? This is about the 12th WU with this user name and team number that I know of with which I've had a problem in the past 6 months. Is someone hijacking random WU so as to steal points? Are passkeys a security measure which can help with this; I have one on this user name.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:41 pm
by sortofageek
It didn't return with an incorrect name and number. It returned with the name and number of a folder who completed it. There is nothing wrong there. Sometimes, due to various reasons, a WU gets assigned to more than one folder.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:18 pm
by Racer43
Ah, gotcha. My understanding was that an individual WU is not assigned to two at once; system glitch.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:36 pm
by codysluder
WUs can be assigned to more than one person at the same time, but this typically happens after an EUE or something like that. Once a partial WU is returned or a WU expires, they may be assigned more than once.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:01 pm
by sortofageek
See also:




Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:35 pm
by Racer43
There is another missing point WU; shall I add it here or as its own thread?

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:48 pm
by sortofageek
Each in its own thread for now. I don't want to assume anything we can't know certainly.

Re: Missing Points - Project: 5743 (Run 3, Clone 459, Gen 34

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:37 pm
by sortofageek