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Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:47 am
by rbroders
MacBookPro, Dual Core (2.66Ghz)
yes im aware that its gunna get hot, when it works as of yet, short of Violating the L.A., and getting mislious with the program, i desided that would be a waste of my time, i am currently not looking to do any programming or mess with terminal on this laptop (tis my ecsape from work, there for its idle alot)

Im currently using the 6.24smp client, it was hard enough to install after it confused the hell out of my os due to bad file exention (never ever, use zip thats holding a folder then name that folder with the ending of .mpkg, its a obivious mistake easy to correct once you figure out that the mistake.

next, its install YAY!

o crap, wont recognize my user name or passkey wont connect basically, so i looked into the network issues on the homepage spent 4 hours step by step on all possable issues you guys discuss, to which i find funniest is that this program isnt 100% DHCP compatible, and have no real solution to it (yes i have checked my firewall [killed it just for a quick location of problem it wasnt], checked my motium setting and router setting, checked my network setting so far everything checks but the program and there is no way in hell im using termail on my ecsape from work laptop (automation is next to godliness in this case), there are no uploads there are no down loads, it will auto-on, but no traffic, no increase on cpu, even on avg scale didnt even increase by .5 % which for my laptop, the margon of work varys by .2% while idle. it has not even made a counsel log OR the fah text file log right now this program is deader than a doornail and now its almost 3 in the morning so as of right now its been 8 hours of troubleshooting, that doesnt invole terminal or decompling

right now im tired and pissy, im sorry but answer with care please

o and i didnt find anything on the home page about xgrid, i would love to set this up sometime at home but first i need set this up first, before i set up xgrid controler and network

Re: Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:31 am
by Baowoulf
With just a Dualcore cpu I don't know if you would make the SMP deadline. Why did you decide to go with the SMP client it's not really a client for beginners. I'd recommend using a CPU client first. It's probably the most set it and forget client available or at least until you feel you have enough experience with it to move onto the SMP and/or GPU clients.

Re: Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:31 am
by rbroders
there isnt a cpu client for mac os, just smp and gpu otherwise that would be a great idea

Re: Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:35 pm
by toTOW
Sorry, but there's no GPU client for Mac yet either ...

Re: Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:24 pm
by Qinsp
The 2.4 ghz MBP model will beat the deadline by a large margin. Mine is a 2010 with Snow Leopard, and it takes 1.3 days to finish a job. All the jobs on mine have been SMP.

To change the settings, you must first stop it, make the changes and restart.

The Mac client is not as refined as the Win client. Yes, it can be frustrating. There are some "serious" Mac folders, but I'm not one of them. Try to find where they hangout.

Re: Im new, done my reading and homework, now fusterated

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 11:48 pm
by Ravage7779
There are a few hardcore mac geeks out there ;) The PG still needs a decent front end for the client on the mac. The prefpane is less than ideal imho. It still needs a uniprocessor client and the gpu client. I'm not holding my breath for either one to ever see the light of day.

Guides for an optimal OS X client setup are found off the PG site. I might know where to look...