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OS Stats misreporting?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:53 pm
by Zagen30
For about a week now, the number of Nvidia clients reported on the OS Stats page has been unusually low- less than 2000. I know there are a lot more running than that, especially since an issue with the reporting of the number of clients was fixed a couple of weeks ago, and the incorrect reported number of clients was somewhere around 2500. Is there another problem with the stats servers reporting the number of active clients?

Also, I seem to recall there being a lot less than 116,000 Linux clients running, more on the order of 30,000. Has there been a ginormous uptick in Linux contributors, or is something (possible Nvidia cards) being misreported as Linux clients?

Re: OS Stats misreporting?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:59 pm
by Fireball0236
According to the last official FAH news, there are/were a few problems with the reported stats: ... ystem.html

For one, it used to add only one per client, rather than one per actual used CPU (SMP clients counted as 1, even though they use more than 1 CPU). That would also explain the 'sudden' increase.

~ Fireball0236

Re: OS Stats misreporting?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:35 pm
by Zagen30
You know, I check the official news regularly, and yet I always seem to miss when an actual announcement is posted. Someone close this.