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Dedicated setup

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:25 pm
by kotsos
My pc consists of CPU:Intel C2D E8400 & GPU HD Radeon 4870.
I'm not sure I understand the advanced settings of the client so here is my question
How can I set it up so there's the maximum possible usage of my pc to FAH?
CPU usage is at max 50%. Is it using only the one core?
I can't see any GPU activity unless I open the display window.

Re: Dedicated setup

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:02 pm
by PantherX
Welcome to F@H Forum kotsos,

The reason why the CPU is using only 50% is because the CLassic Client will only use one thread regardless of how many is available. If you want, you can install multiple instances of the Classic Client or you can remove the Classic Client and install one instance of the SMP2 Client with the -smp flag.
The best way to verify if F@H Client is running is to check the FAHLog or use a third party application. Do not use the Viewer as it may cause system instabilities. Also since it is an ATI GPU, you may want to read about the Environment Variables: ( ... iables.php)