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F@H WUdget OS X Widget

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:52 am
by pgwalsh
F@H WUdget has been updated. A lot of new features, but most importantly it now gives your Bonus Points, averages and whether you have a passkey set or not. Many other improvements and enhancements.

Can be found on my site or on MacUpdate

Updated to show more stats for Core_a3 which includes bonus points. I highly recommend you update your folding client to 6.29.3 and if you're running a laptop, in the Extra Parameters fields, add -advmethods flag or it may not work. In addition to take advantage of those points we notify users whether their passkey is set or not, so if you don't have one, you may want to go get one or you wont get bonus points.

What's new or changed.
  • Added Bonus Points, Bonus Factor, kFactor, bonus averages and whether passkey is set.
  • User Name, Team Name, and Project are clickable web links to specific pages at Folding@home.
  • Enhanced Project name for core2 and core3 projects that only contain P####. They will check once on the Folding@home server for a more descriptive project name.
  • Automatically removes and scales certain fields from Additional Information. Will reappear if info becomes available.
  • Automatically removes user info if not available on Extreme Overclocking. Will reappear if info becomes available.
  • Automatically removes adjacent teammates if not present on Folding@home Fast Team pages. Will reappear if info becomes available.
  • Moved Unit Number and Size to Additional Information, but will show up next to Points if there's no bonus information.
  • Changed message "wating for core..." under prefer/pref dates to n.a. because of core a3 issue with MacBooks and MacBook Pro's.
  • Aesthetic changes to margins, font, font colors and shank the widget just slightly.
  • Smoothed out animations and increased speed of drop down boxes.
  • Fixed issue where Growler didn't reload after restart or log-in.
  • Fixed console error message that didn't affect the client.
  • Should see performance improvement, reduction of resources, and overall solidity.