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Suggestion for handling ERROR 0x0

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:20 am
by amuro.ID

Some of us (including me), when encounter this error sometimes need to do workaround (deleting work/, queue.dat, unitlist.txt, even machinedependent.dat) so it won't get the same (bad?) WU again. Now, if the machine that's doing the WU is headless (without monitor), and leave running without user intervention for quite a while, there's a possibility this machine will run the same (bad?) WU over and over again. Means waste of power.

Here's my suggestion.
- When client A encounter this error (or any other error that hinting bad WU) at some checkpoint, the client report this WU to the server.
- The server mark the WU.
- client A get different WU.
- The server send the marked WU to other client. Say client B and C.
- If client B and C report the same error at the same checkpoint, most likely the WU is a bad WU.
- Else, if either client B or C send the completed WU, there's possibility client A machine is not very stable.

This way, client A won't waste its resources to do the same WU over and over again. And it provides a good way to test whether a WU is a bad one.

Just my 2 cent :)

Re: Suggestion for handling ERROR 0x0

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 12:28 pm
by PantherX
I guess that it requires some modification in the server codes. Right now, if your system is 100% stable (you ran multiple WUs without any error) and out of the blue, you get EUE or other errors, you report it in the forum and if there are multiple people that complains then the admin/mod marks the WU as bad. I guess that the bad WUs are out in the open unless they are taken down by the admin/mod. Hopefully, an automated system might be planed in the future.

Re: Suggestion for handling ERROR 0x0

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 1:48 pm
by amuro.ID
Yes true. Modification on the server and client code. So the client can send the needed information about ERROR 0x0.

Regarding reporting the error, the donor can only report it IF he/she notice it. It doesn't solve the problem if the client running on headless Machine or if the machine is being left out for a while. Say, if the donor not touching his/her PC for days.

And, i am guessing there are sysadmin out there running F@H at non-busy/non-critical server. Or even on dozens/hundreds workstations on some company. Say, the sysadmin run it on dozens of windows XP machine as a service. Imagine the time (and hassle) he/she need it just for finding whether any of that machine is doing bad WU over and over again.