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How to get more PPD !

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:50 am
by Mactin
Q : How to get more PPD ?
A : Clean your computer.

Explanation :
After a little trouble when I started folding A3 WUs on my stock Q6600, I quickly got 3200 to 3500 PPD (execpt for p6013).
About a month ago, it started going down slowly, bit by bit.
Then 2 weeks ago, I got a big drop to around 2400 PPD.
One week ago, I got my i7-980x and wanting to overclock it I installed temperature monitoring software, and while I was at it I installed it on my good old Q6600.
Revelation, It was at 90C on two cores and throtling back now and then (explaning the drop in PPD).
I opened it up and it was filled with dust and cat hair.
I cleaned it up and it's now at 82C and my two latest A3's where at 3698 and 3891PPD. WOW ! :biggrin:

Clean it up and increase your PPD !

Re: How to get more PPD !

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:21 am
by RAH
Thats still pretty hot. Get yourself a better cooler. OC that thing to about 3.2, and you'll get 6K +.